2024 Summer Concerts

Summer is here and so is the return of our Summer Concert Series at the Kathy Crandall Entertainment Pavilion. Check out this year’s lineup below!

Concerts are free for RRA Members and their guests only. Concert days are RRA Special Use days which means there will be no parties greater than 25 guests at Beach 1. Membership cards will be checked upon entry. Concerts are tentatively scheduled for 6:00pm to 9:30pm with food service beginning at 5:00pm. Enjoy from Beach 1 or by boat.

The Beach 1 area will be NO WAKE beginning at 5:00pm on concert nights as boaters will be anchoring for the concert. Boaters, there will be an area to park your watercraft marked by buoys near Beach 1. Please park within the buoyed area.

Fishing Club News June 2024

The fishing club has several exciting events scheduled for the month of June.

Kid’s Fishing Seminar

The Kid’s Fishing Seminar will be held on Saturday, June 8th (10:00 AM to 12:00 noon).  At this event, we invite parents and grandparents to bring their kids to learn the basics of fishing.  We give each child a new rod, reel, and packet of fishing gear and teach them the basics of rigging and how to cast.  We provide a lunch for everyone and send them home with their new gear to practice.

Kid’s Fishing Day

The Kid’s Fishing Day will be held on Saturday June 22nd (10:00 AM to 12:00 noon).  At this event, the kids meet us at the club house cove area.  We provide worms for bait and the shoreline will be crowded with many young children enjoying the sport of fishing.  It is great to see the children and their families enjoying fishing. We again provide a lunch for everyone.  Each child then selects a gift from a large selection of prizes to take home.  We hope to see many of you at these events in 2024.

We would like to thank the 51 members and their families who have joined our club in 2023.  Membership fees are only $25 a year per family, yet many of our members contribute additional money to help support the two kid’s events that we sponsor every year.

At our May meeting, the club officers for 2024 were elected.

President – Mike Chevalier
Vice President – Joe Morgan
Secretary – Al Rubosky
Treasurer – Tim Kalish

See you on the water!

Ultrasonic Buoy Deployment Notice

By D.Ernes – Lake Management Committee

At the March and April meetings, it was announced that part of the 2024 Lake Management Plan will be the evaluation of ultrasonic buoys. These buoys use solar panels to power ultrasonic emitters that are suspended in the water. The sound waves disrupt the ability of blue-green algae to rise to the surface, depriving them of the sunlight they need to survive. As a result, they will die and drop to the bottom of the lake. This is a non-chemical alternative to the algaecides we have employed for the past few years and have been shown to be safe to non-target organisms.

Ultrasonic Algae Control With GPS Water ...The presence of these buoys (about the size of a 50 inch television set) can become an object that boaters will need to be on the look out for. The picture at the right shows what these buoys look like. They are equipped with a US Coast Guard approved flashing beacon for nighttime navigation assistance.

There will be five of these positioned throughout the lake, primarily adjacent to No Wake Zones. We expect that they will be deployed in the next few weeks, in time for the Memorial Day weekend, and the anticipation of high boat traffic volume. Please use every effort to avoid coming in proximity to these buoys. They are expensive to replace. In addition, the lead time for a replacement is about a month, so if they are damaged, that area of the lake will not have any protection from the growth of blue-green algae.

The location for these buoys is as follows:

  1. At the dam near the no wake area
  2. Mouth of Plum and Sugar Creeks at the start of the No Wake Zone
  3. In the Southern end of the lake below the No Wake buoys near Spanish Cove and about a 1000 feet further north.

We need to have these buoys in place for the entire recreational season to evaluate their effectiveness. If we can show that that they work, we can substantially reduce our reliance on chemicals. Thank you for your vigilance.

57th Annual Meeting Overview

The RomeRock Association held their Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 27, 2023 at the clubhouse with the following directors present, Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Mark Dougherty and Jeff Grosse.

President, Bob McClintock called the meeting to order at 1p.m. and introduced the Board of Directors. Wendy Carley gave the invocation after the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob welcomed everyone and Nadine Pope read the Certification of Service of Notice of the Annual Meeting. Nadine followed with the Membership Report. There were 78 New Members in 2023, which included new homes, lot owners and sales of existing homes and lots to new owners. We have a total of 1,299 total Membership Units.

Jeff Grosse reviewed the 2023 Treasurer’s Report and reviewed comparisons to the previous three years. It was noted that Annual Operating Expenses continue to increase from the previous year. This is due to adjustment of employee wages and benefits, necessary capital expenses and projects in 2023. Jeff also reviewed the Five Year Capital Plan that he is working with Maintenance Manager, Randy Ruebel to develop.

Bob noted that last year was difficult due to implementing our new computer system and the passing of long time office manager, Pat Sowry. The new system, however, is able to give us real time numbers so we are better able to track income and expenses. Thanks also to the diligence of office staff Wendy Carley, Dawn Franklin and Jen Addair.

Nadine explained Rory Marshall decided not to run for reelection to the board and because only two members, Bob McClintock and Marie Kaufman, filed for the two available seats on the Board of Directors, no election was necessary. Marie and Bob’s term will run until April of 2027. We welcome Marie to the board and are looking forward to working with her.

Bob gave us the 2023 Association Overview. Completed projects included: a new pump house at pool #1, Barge repairs and repainting, building an additional push boat to aid with dredging, new concrete around the clubhouse, new swings at both playgrounds, new playground equipment at beach #1, replaced the dock at the marina, chip sealed 4.6 miles of roads, added a new dump truck and sealed the circle at the clubhouse

In 2024 we are planning to repair the seawall at the island, repair and seal the clubhouse parking lot, install new light poles at the clubhouse, pave the parking lot at beach 2, chip seal 7.3 miles of roads, install new fencing at the clubhouse(in progress), stain the clubhouse and landscape the area and purchase a new, used excavator for dredging($93K-purchased). This list needs to remain flexible, because we never know what might need repair or replaced that we haven’t factored in.

Jen Addair reported on the new digital card system which will be implemented this season. This year will be a hybrid along with the traditional membership cards used in the past. The new digital card system works with our current software. All guest privileges remain the same and will work even if you don’t have a smartphone. More details to follow soon. Thank you, Jen for all of the research you have put into this project, along with many others.

Mark Dougherty reviewed information from several of our area clubs. The Polar Bear Club raises funds for our local schools at the Polar Bear Plunge and Mark reviewed their upcoming events, including the Island Extravaganza, Clam Bake and Breakfast with Santa. He noted that this year the plunge raised $32,000 for local schools. Both Men’s and Women’s golf leagues meet at Hemlock Springs Golf Course on Thursdays. Shores Hold Em meets at the clubhouse two Fridays a month. The PickleBall Club began their season on April 27th. This year they are planning to host a camp for our younger residents to learn the game. The STARS Club raises funds for and sponsors our annual 4th of July fire works as well as hosting our Rib Cook Off and many other events. The Fishing Club hosts five fishing tournaments and two special fishing events for kids. We also have a Water Exercise Group that meets at pool #2, Yoga Club, Quilting Group and Village Volunteer Club. Our volunteer club will be working on a special project with Lake Management this season. Contact information for all of these clubs can be found on our website.

Bob also spoke briefly about our new Building and Maintenance Committee which will be working to uphold beneficial deed restrictions pertaining to external appearance of properties and create a simplified members’ guide through the process. More information to follow.

Bob gave an overview of our Standing Committees and spoke to us about the importance of Lake Safety. Know the rules and make sure you and your guests follow them. Be sure to take a Boater Safety Course and don’t let anyone use your watercraft if they haven’t been properly instructed. Please remember that you, as a property owner, are responsible for the actions of your guests. He also noted that in the update of our Rules and Regulations, wake boats are limited to the center of the lake where it is deepest, to avoid stirring up nutrients and damage to docks and seawalls.

Dave Ernes gave us an overview of what Lake Management had accomplished in 2023 and what they hope to accomplish in 2024.  We will continue with algaecide treatments on the whole lake and dockside invasive weed control. We will also continue with the goose deterrence program and weekly testing at the beaches. We will continue increased surveillance of the lake by AquaDoc. We are also trying some new technologies. We will be using a water quality probe to measure the algae density and ultrasonic buoys to control algal blooms.

Dave also stressed that members can also help by doing their part. Avoid fertilizers with phosphorous, keep grass clippings, leaves etc. out of the lake, create buffer zones and ask if you have a question by emailing Lake Management at romerocklmc@gmail.com.

A dredging update was given at our March 30th special meeting but Bob did mention that because of the ability to lift road bans earlier than usual, we were able to begin dredging nearly six weeks earlier this year and hope to continue until later in the fall.

The board wanted to recognize three of our long time employees who are celebrating milestones. Mark Drda has been with us for 40 years, Darren Savel for 30 years and Randy Ruebel for 25 years. We want to thank them for their hard work and dedication to our community. The meeting concluded at 2:30 p.m.

Thank you to everyone who attended.

Nadine Pope, Secretary

2024 Cleanup Day May 4th

Get ready to spruce up your home! Spring Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 4, 2024 from 8am to noon. Dumpsters will be conveniently located at the clubhouse parking lot (13 Roaming Rock Blvd.) for your disposal needs. To ensure smooth operations, Waste Management has provided a detailed list outlining what items they will and will not accept. Check the linked list and mark your calendars for a day of community beautification!

Goodwill Donations Goodwill of Northeast Ohio and Northwest PA will will be available during Cleanup Day to accept donations and provide tax-deductible receipts. Please review their unacceptable items.

Project Helping Hand:

The Roaming Shores Police Department will again being running its Project Helping Hand program to assist those needing help for Cleanup Day. More Info

County Tire Amnesty Day 2024

The Ashtabula County Solid Waste District will be hosting a Tire Amnesty Day on May 11, 2024, from 9am to 1pm at the Ashtabula County Fairgrounds (127 N Elm St, Jefferson, OH 44047). Ashtabula County residents can drop off up to 4 tires for free per vehicle. There is a $1 per tire charge after the first 4, and a maximum of 10 tires. Tires over 22” rim size and rims are not permitted. More information is available at https://www.ashtabulacounty.us/741/Tire-Amnesty-Day.

Next Friends and Neighbors Dinner May 10th

Come join your Friends & Neighbors for a Spring Dinner on May 10th, 2024 ( Friday ) 6pm at the new Chops Grill & Tap House (1752 S. Broadway (@ Rt. 534 & I-90) Geneva, Oh.44041). Now owned by “SPIRE” Sports Institute and just recently opened up for business. It’s an excellent full menu restaurant and bar including out of this world Bar-B-Q ribs, Steaks and a Friday night Fish Fry. They expressed how happy they are to welcome us to share an evening to get to know the new Chops!

All Roaming Shores residents, family, friends and newcomers are welcome. RSVP is required for setting capacity. Please text your host: Marilyn Morris (440) 563-1653

2024 Annual Community Garage Sale

It’s time to start planning for the Annual Roaming Shores Garage Sale! This event will be held 2 days, Friday, June 14th and Saturday, June 15th (Father’s Day Weekend) from 9am-4pm.

If you are planning on participating in the Garage Sale, please fill out the form below or on the RRA Website. We will add your address to a list with a street map so that visitors will know where to find you. Signs will also be available at the RRA Office that may be posted to your mailbox or at the end of your street.

If you do not want people parking in front of your property, please post No Parking Signs.

Note: If you are having a garage sale, you are not required to sign-up.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Garage Sale Address (required)

    I plan to have a Garage Sale on... (Check one or both)

    Friday, June 14thSaturday, June 15th

    Garage Sale List

    Updated: 6/13/24 (Printed – New additions will not be on the printed list)

    West SideEast Side
    48Roaming Rock Blvd1133Lake Vue
    52Rockaway Dr1304Morning Star Dr
    68Rockaway Dr1343Lake Vue Dr
    73Rockaway Dr (Fri. only)1358Lake Vue Dr
    95Rockaway Dr1359Lake Vue Dr (Fri. only)
    99Rockaway Dr1426Lake Vue Dr
    102Rockaway Dr1437Lake Vue Dr (Fri. only)
    130Rock Lane (Sat. only)1449Lake Vue Dr
    161Kingsville Way (Fri. only)1475Belvista (Fri. only)
    209Ashtabula Point (Fri. only)1514Morning Star Dr
    252Morgan Terrace (Fri. only)1527Lake Crest Dr
    283Morgan Terrace1535Lake Crest Dr
    283Morgan Terrace1546Lake Crest Dr
    291Morgan Terrace1562Lake Crest Dr (Fri. only)
    295Morgan Terrace1563Sugar Creek Dr
    313Morgan Terrace1566Sugar Creek Dr (Fri. only)
    382Jefferson Point1578Sugar Creek Dr
    386Jefferson Point1584Pierpont Dr (Sat. only)
    394Jefferson Point1635Sugar Creek Dr.
    394Jefferson Point1636Sugar Creek Dr
    410Geneva Point1690Lake Crest Dr
    422Conneaut Terrace1723Dorset Dr
    425Jefferson Point1805Morning Star Dr
    476Owl Point1805Morning Star Dr
    636Thrush Dr1814Largo
    680Rome Rock Creek Rd1832Morning Star Dr
    743Rome Rock Creek Rd1856Morning Star Dr
    889Long Shadow Lane (Sat. only)1857Morning Star Dr (Fri. only)
    903Rome Rock Creek Rd1902Beaver Dam Dr
    962Sunset Circle1920Beaver Dam Dr
    963Sunset Circle1942Morning Star Dr
    980Long Shadow Lane 1972Calabria 
    1079Evening Star Dr2026South Park Lane
    1103Evening Star Dr2062South Plaza Dr
    2217Callender Rd2100North Park Lane (Fri. only)
    4053Rome Rock Creek Rd 2100North Park Lane (Sat. only)
    ^ Polar Bear Club – Storage by the Shores2113North Park Lane
    2150Deer Run
    2151Deer Run
    2225Fox Run
    2266Morning Star Dr
    2271Morning Star Dr
    2282Morning Point
    2309Morning Star Dr (Sat. only)
    2313Morning Star Dr
    2316Morning Star Dr
    2401Plum Creek (Sat. only)
    North Side (Off of Hayford Rd)
    2508Tupelo Dr

    Polar Bear Club Fundraiser

    If you have any items that you would like to donate to the Polar Bear Club’s garage sale please let us know. Proceeds from the garage sale this year will be going towards supporting our military and veterans!

    You can send the RSPBC a message on Facebook or text 440-812-1055 to make drop off arrangements at the storage unit weeknights/weekends.

    Post-Garage Sale Donations

    If you don’t sell all that you were hoping to during the Garage Sale. Goodwill of Northeast Ohio and Northwestern Pennsylvania will have trailers available after the sale to collect donations.

    Trailer Locations – June 15th 3pm – 5pm

    • Village Hall – 2500 Hayford Road
    • Clubhouse – 13 Roaming Rock Blvd
    • RRA Office – 1875 US Highway 6

    If there is no attendant when you arrive, DO NOT leave items.

    Designer Bag Bingo 5/11

    This mother’s day weekend Saturday, May 11th at 1pm, join the STARS Club for a Designer Bag Bingo at the Clubhouse! This event is open to all Members and their guests. Must be 18 years or older to participate.

    We will play 10 games with each winner receiving a brand new or like new (used once or twice) designer purse! Designer bags include Coach, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and more!

    $35 gets you 10 Bingo sheets (3 cards per sheet) and light refreshments. BYOB!

    Additional cards will be available for purchase the day of the event. We will also be holding a Basket Raffle and a 50/50.

    You can signup/pay via Venmo @rsstarsclub (7365 for verification) or mail a check to STARS  at P.O. Box 417, Rock Creek, OH 44084. Pre-Registration ends May 5th!

    Available Bags During Bingo!

    Game 10 Matching Purse and Wallet

    Cinco de Mayo Event 5/4

    We will have a build your own taco buffet, chips, rice, beans and refreshments. Tickets are available on the Polar Bear Club’s website now and can also be purchased from RSPBC members or the RRA Office. You may also purchase at the door. Tickets are a $10 donation for adults and a $5 donations for kids 10 and under. Please BYOB! Buy Tickets

    2024 RRA Chip and Seal Project

    Update: Work has begun and is expected to be completed by Friday at the latest.

    The RomeRock Association will be chip and sealing a selection of its roads beginning May 21st. Note: The start day may change due to weather or the contractor’s other projects. We request that all cars, trailers, and obstructions be removed from the roadway. The Chip and Seal work will be performed by Suit-Kote.

    The following streets will be chip and sealed this year:

    East Side

    • Morning Star Dr – Callendar to Viscaya
    • Soncere
    • South Park Ln
    • South Plaza
    • North Plaza
    • North Park Ln
    • Columbia Ln
    • Deer Run
    • Fox Run
    • Morning Point

    West Side

    • Lark Ct
    • Jay Point
    • Cardinal Dr
    • Robin Dr
    • Thrush Dr
    • Oriole Dr
    • Wren Circle
    • Conneaut Terr
    • Geneva Point
    • Jefferson Point
    • Evening Star Dr
    • Long Shadow Ln
    • Lunar Ln
    • Park Ln
    • Sunset Circle

    Surface Treatment – East Side

    • Dorset Drive
    • End of Ketchum

    Office Info:

    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8, Rome, OH 44085

    Located at 1875 US Route 6, Roaming Shores, OH 44085


    Monday – Friday
    9am – 5pm

    Email Us.

    Office: (440) 563-3170
    Fax: (440) 563-5667

    E-Mail Blast Sign-Up


      Roaming Shores E-Blast Categories

    • Weekly Newsletter
    • Emergency & Lake Alerts
    • Meeting Updates/Changes

    View previous campaigns.