4/2/24 Dam Valve Opened – No Wake

Due to the amount of rain we have received with more on the way, the Village of Roaming Shores has opened the dam valve. Additionally, as the lake waters are high, the entire lake is No Wake until the lake waters recede. Once they do, the valve will be closed and lake traffic may return to normal.

As this is the off season, there are very few watercraft out on the water. Regardless, creating a wake while the lake water is high risks damage to docks and boats. Be cautious!

High lake waters bring more than just water. If you are out on the lake, remember to be extra cautious of debris that may be in the water and hidden due to the muddy conditions.

Check on your docked boats. If the lake water is high and there is not enough slack in your line, the line can snap and your boat can float away. However, make sure to not have too much slack to where your boat can end up on top of your dock. Make sure to have a dock line tied from your boat to the dock, otherwise when the lake level rises, your boat can actually float off the lift and out into the lake with the current. If you have canoes, kayaks, paddleboats, etc. on your dock, you may want to consider moving them further away from the shore.

If you are not a full time resident, consider calling your neighbors to check on your boats.

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