On this page you will find documents provided for your convenience. Copies are available at the RRA Office. If you have any questions, please call the office (440) 563-3170
Governing Documents
The Association Bylaws and the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions explain the organization, process and procedures of your RomeRock Association. Please make yourself familiar with these documents. The Association Rules and Regulations explain your privileges and help offer the protection to all members. You’ll find information about your Membership, Guests, Pool Rules, Pets, Roads, Watercraft and a whole lot more.
Bylaws | |
Covenants and Restrictions | |
Rules & Regulations | |
Boat, Skiing, and Swimming Rules |
Membership Documents
When you purchase property in the Association (with or without a house) you automatically became a member of the RomeRock Association (RRA). Upon payment of all fees and the filing of required membership documents, you are then able to enjoy all RRA facilities as an “Approved Member”, also refereed to as a Member in Good Standing.
Membership Application |
Membership Card Information |
If you title your property deed to a corporation or LLC, you must complete both Corporate Membership paperwork and a regular Membership Application. Corporate Memberships may only assign one person/married couple as a RomeRock Association member.
Corporate Membership Paperwork |
Individuals who rent a Member’s property must complete a Special Membership Application before they will be permitted to use RRA facilities. Additionally, the RRA requires copies of the rental agreement and a signed document from the Property Owner which states that they give up their rights to the property each year. Special Memberships are not granted to current Members who are not in good standing.
Special Membership Application |
If you own more than one lot that are contiguous to one another, you may consolidate them. There is a limit of four for off-lake lots and three for on-lake lots.
To begin the process, you must first fill out a Request for Consolidation form. Please return this form along with a copy of the new recorded deed which includes the paragraph reflecting the consolidation.
Request for Consolidation Form |
Road Bond
A Road Bond is required for new construction.
All permits must be obtained from the Village of Roaming Shores and Ashtabula County and posted prior to start. Interest is not paid on the road bond. ALL ROAD BOND REFUNDS WILL BE SENT TO THE OWNER AT THE TIME OF REFUND. Refunds will not be given after one calendar year from date of application.
$5,000 New house construction
$1,500 Concrete or asphalt drives
Any project that doesn’t fall under above categories will be under the General Manager’s discretion for the amount of the bond.
Road Bond |
RRA driveways are required to have at least 30 feet of culvert pipe. Only the RomeRock Association is authorized to approve installation of culverts for driveways and/or roadsides on Association-owned roads. You must complete an application with the Association.
Culvert Information |
Rental and Party Forms
The RRA Clubhouse may be rented by members in good standing, please see the Clubhouse Page for more details. Rental is $225 plus a $100 security deposit.
Clubhouse Rules | |
Clubhouse Rental Form |
The large picnic pavilion located across the covered bridge by the clubhouse may also be rented by members in good standing. It is the only pavilion that can be reserved in advance. Rental is $50.
Pavilion Agreement |
If you will be bringing more than nine guests to either the beaches or the pools, you will need to fill out and return a party form to the RRA Office.
Online Party Form | |
Printable Party Form |
Club Application
The RRA has several Clubs which facilitate many of the events and activities hosted each year. If you are interested in forming a new Club, the first step is to complete an Application for Approval of Club. All Clubs must be approved by the Board of Directors and must follow all rules outlined in the application.
Application for Approval of Club |
Intent to Self Dredge
If you intend on self–dredging around your dock or seawall, either yourself or hiring a contractor, you will not be required to obtain a permit from the US Army Corp of Engineers.
You will, however, need to acquire a permit from the RRA before work begins. Additionally, your contractor will need to be registered with the Village.
Intent to Self Dredge Permit Form |
Dam Agreement
We have received questions regarding the purchase of the Lake Roaming Rock Dam by Roaming Shores Village. The following copy of the agreement is being provided for informational purposes.
Dam Purchase Agreement |