Online RRA Party Form This form can only be completed by the Property Owner. PROPERTY OWNERS MUST STAY WITH THEIR PARTY AT ALL TIMES Location of Party (required) —Please choose an option—Pool/Beach #1 (West)Pool/Beach #2 (East)Sunset ParkDawn ParkOther Full Name: (required) Lot #: (required) Address: (if not in Roaming Shores) Email: (required) Phone #: (required) Date of Party: (required) Time of Party: (required) to Purpose of Party (required) Number of People in Attendance: (estimate) Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis Will you be using the Pool? (If yes, 10 day notice required) YesNo There shall be no parties or other events with more than twenty five (25) guests in attendance permitted at properties and facilities excluding the rental of the Clubhouse and rental pavilion on RRA special use days and other celebrated holidays during the months of June, July, & August. 1. There will be no alcoholic beverages served at either a teenage or child’s party. a. Persons under the age of 21 are prohibited from acquiring or procession beverage alcohol in any private place. Members or occupants are prohibited from knowingly allowing an underage person to remain on the premises while consuming or in the possession of alcohol. 2. If this is a teenage or child’s party, there must be one responsible adult present for each ten (10) guests. 3. If water skiing is to take place, there must be responsible adult supervision in attendance. 4. You will have 24 hours to take down any signs that you had posted or you will be charged for the time it takes your maintenance personnel to take them down. Have your read and understand your responsibilities? WE THE UNDERSIGNED, A BONA FIDE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE ROMEROCK ASSOCIATION, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THT WE WILL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE ABOVE MENTIONED PARTY. WE DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT WE WILL NOT USE THIS AREA FOR ANY TYPE OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY. Signature (required) Δ