February 2024 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held a meeting on Saturday, February 3, at the clubhouse with the following directors present: Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Rory Marshall, Jeff Grosse, Rick Brothers and Mark Dougherty. Also present was RRA Office Manager, Wendy Carley.
Vice President, Rory Marshall called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and the invocation was given by Wendy Carley, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Rory welcomed everyone.
Minutes from the December 2nd meeting were approved and Jeff gave the quarterly Treasurer’s Report for October through December, 2023, which was also approved.
Standing Committee Reports:
Legal: Scott let us know that we have no pending legal issues. Nadine reported for Financial and Collection that we are continuing to work with our legal counsel to find a method to settle many of our long standing delinquent accounts. Our new computer system will be able to automatically notify residents with delinquent balances and add late fees. Scott reported for Lake Management that we are looking into an algae monitoring system that will allow us to pinpoint the optimal time to treat the lake. We are continuing to evaluate use of a peroxide based treatment to work with the copper based treatments we have previously used. The copper levels are very low but we want to avoid continued use without at least alternating with another product. The peroxide treatments are more expensive and potentially will not last as long, but may be tried on a trial basis. We are also looking into use of solar powered ultrasonic buoys to determine the potential cost and effects.
Lake Safety: Rory reported that our committee has been working on revising and clarifying our lake boating regulations. We are continuing to work with the village to have a police presence on our lake next summer. The focus of both our Lake Patrol and our Police Officers is to educate boaters to keep our lake safer for everyone out there. We are still working out contract details. Steve Kaufman, our Village Liaison, told us that the council is working on seasonal weight limits for 24/25. The Council will be considering an ordinance to prohibit scavengers from taking items from other residents’ trash. Marie Kaufman reported that there is one new case that was brought to the Board of Review and the citation was upheld. Under Building, Facilities and Amenities, Scott reported that the maintenance department has purchased a 2012 Komatsu track hoe that will replace one of our 1980 John Deere track hoes. It has very low hours and was purchased for $93,000. Similar machines can cost up to $250,000. The maintenance department has removed all the old chain link fence in the club house area. The fencing along the lake will be replaced with black chain link. Nadine also reported that we are looking at replacing the broken post lights in the clubhouse area.
Under Administration/Personnel, Nadine reported that the office staff is making good progress going through old files and updating all accounts in the new computer system. The Strategic Advisory Committee has completed their assignment to gather information and put together the new Building and Maintenance Committee. We want to thank them for all their work putting this committee together and the members for volunteering to serve on the committee. Joe Eardley, Jim Fell, Marie Kaufman, Patricia Wilson and Mark Vinick have already held their first meeting and have hit the ground running so they are ready when this spring’s building season arrives.
Under Club Reports: Marie Kaufman reported that Pickle Ball Club is waiting for spring and continuing to play at Spire Institute. Bree Bodish, new president of the Polar Bear Club, reported that their focus is on the Polar Bear Plunge to be held March 9th. Be sure to check out their new web site at rspolarbearclub.org.
We received members comments concerning river otters on the lake, lowering of the lake and property assessments for on lake members.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Nadine Pope, Secretary
December 2023 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held a meeting on Saturday, December 2, at the clubhouse with the following directors present: Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Rory Marshall and Mark Dougherty. Also present was RRA Office Manager, Wendy Carley.
President, Bob McClintock called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and the invocation was given by Wendy Carley, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob welcomed everyone and gave a brief update on recent board activities. He advised members that the board has been working on developing the 2024 budget in recent weeks. It was an even bigger challenge than usual because we were without the expertise of long time Office Manager, Pat Sowry. Dawn Franklin, our new part time office assistant did an excellent job of wading through the many accounts and with help from board members, we were able to pass the budget for 2024, which will be $1,674,000.
We know that this process includes many pieces and parts. There are employee wages and benefits, taxes, road improvements, fuel, equipment payments and maintenance, utilities and buildings, pools and a lake to maintain as some examples. When I first joined the board, I had no idea it was so complex. I think that is because things are taken care of so seamlessly that it’s hard to notice the individual pieces of the whole picture.
Bob also congratulated Joyce Misinec for being named the statewide Hospice Volunteer of the Year by the Ohio Council for Home Care and Hospice.
Minutes from the October 7th meeting were approved and Bob advised us that the next quarterly Treasurer’s Report will be available at the February 3rd meeting.
Standing Committee Reports:
Legal: Scott let us know that we have no pending legal issues. Nadine reported for Financial and Collection that we are investigating working with the village and/or our legal counsel to find a method to settle many of our long standing delinquent accounts. Our new computer system will be able to automatically notify residents with delinquent balances and add late fees. Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that both Aqua Doc and EnviroScience have given him their year end reports and he will be preparing a summary to post to members. Planning for 2024 has already begun and will be discussed further at our February Meeting. We are looking into ways to lengthen our dredging season while still protecting the lake from stirring up excess nutrients. Dave also let us know that there is a sub committee working with a consultant to look for grant opportunities to assist with our bigger projects. As a note, there were several questions from the audience regarding the need to discuss dredging in more depth at each meeting. This is always a subject we address under Lake Management and we will attempt to make all possible information available to those present. Our three year dredging plan is in place and was discussed in length at our last Annual Meeting. This plan, however, must be flexible to allow for changes in circumstances on our lake. Lake Safety: Rory reported that our committee has been working on revising and clarifying our lake boating regulations. We are continuing to work with the village to have a police presence on our lake next summer. The focus of both our Lake Patrol and our Police Officers is to educate boaters to keep our lake safer for everyone out there. Steve Kaufman, our Village Liaison, told usthat the council is working to develop a plan for our new water tower and has created an infrastructure improvement fund. Duane Helms has received his class 2 sanitation certification. The Council will be considering a road ban from February 15 until April 15 and will review fines for non compliance with the road ban. Mike Peterson reported that there is one new case that was brought to the Board of Review last week. Under Building, Facilities and Amenities, Scott reported that the board is planning on replacing dilapidated fencing by the clubhouse. There are also plans to pave the parking lot at beach two next spring. Several other capital projects are also being considered. Rick Brothers let us know that last month’s Bingo Night at the Shores was a huge success and will hopefully be held again in January and February.
Under Administration/Personnel, Scott reported that long time employee David Sayre is retiring January 2, 2024. We have hired Justin Szalay to take Dave’s place in the maintenance department. Nadine wanted to thank Dawn Franklin, Wendy and Jen for all of their hard work implementing the new computer system and assisting with the budgetary process. Bob reported that the Strategic Advisory Committee will be presenting information regarding their work creating a new Building and Maintenance Committee.
Under Club Reports: Mark Dougherty reported that the Polar Bear Club is hosting Breakfast with Santa on December 9th. He thanked everyone who came out to help decorate the clubhouse. (It looks amazing). Mark also asked that whoever took the commercial baking trays from the clubhouse after an event please return them so they can be used next Saturday. He also reported that the Polar Bear Plunge will be held Saturday, March 9th. Jim Fell reported that the Volunteer Committee is planning a project for next spring to help improve beach two.
Joe Eardley from the Strategic Advisory Committee gave us a presentation concerning the formation of a Building & Maintenance Review Committee. The SAC has spent several months researching this project that began when the village requested that the RRA resume their role in exterior building review. The RRA will take a role in the permitting process (along with the village) and assist in upholding established community standards. The board will be taking member applications to serve on this committee. Applicants should be an RRA member in good standing for at least 5 years and be able to demonstrate familiarity of residential housing and community development. They must be willing to actively participate in related duties for their full term and not be a vendor or contractor of any type serving Roaming Shores. Much more information will be available to applicants. Please contact the RRA office at 440-563-3170 if you are interested in picking up an application. We want to thank all SAC members for their work creating this committee. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Nadine Pope, Secretary
October 2023 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held a meeting on Saturday, October 7, 2023 at the clubhouse with the following directors present: Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Rick Brothers, Jeff Grosse, Rory Marshall and Mark Dougherty. Also present was Office Manager, Wendy Carley.
President, Bob McClintock called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and the invocation was given by Jeff Grosse, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jeff asked for a moment of silence in honor of Cheryl Fain. Cheryl, a past board member, was faithful in always giving a moving invocation to begin our meetings. Bob welcomed everyone and reminded them that there is a Celebration of Life for Cheryl Fain at the clubhouse on Sunday at 1 p.m.
Minutes from the August 5th meeting were approved and Treasurer, Jeff Grosse gave us a financial update from January through September of 2023. The Treasurer’s report was also approved. Jeff told those in attendance that he would be glad to meet with them if they were interested in more detailed information.
Standing Committee Reports:
Legal: Scott let us know that we are researching using legal means to collect funds from delinquent accounts. Nadine reported for Financial and Collection that thirty collection letters were sent out at the end of September. Several of these accounts have extremely high balances. These are vacant lots whose owners have not responded to our many attempts to collect what is owed on their accounts. We are investigating working with the village and/or our legal counsel to find a method to settle these accounts. It is unfair to all paying members to allow these to remain delinquent. Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that there have been low bacteria levels this summer. Rain events can cause bacteria levels to temporarily increase. The weather this summer has caused a huge spike in the nitrates and nitrites in our lake, which feed filamentous algae and can cause snails to die. The snails we are seeing are an invasive snail and not natural to our lake. Our lake was recently stocked for the second time this season. This time with 300 pounds of minnows and shiners. Dave also explained that the issue on the South end of the lake was due to rotting vegetation that led to lack of oxygen in that area. Testing was done to be sure the smell was not due to any sewer or bacteria issues. Five aerators have been placed at the South end to help increase the oxygen levels. Thank you to the residents who allowed us to plug into their power to help alleviate this issue. Further testing of the oxygen levels will continue. The problem at the south end has made us temporarily move our dredging back north. Lake Safety: Rory reported that our Lake Patrol employees have done an excellent job this season. They have concentrated on education of our boaters when violations occur. He also let us know that the board is working on a plan for educating kayakers and meeting with wake boat owners to help develop a plan to keep our sea walls safe and lower the sediment that gets stirred up. Steve Kaufmann, our Village Liaison, told us that the council is working to develop a plan for our new water tower and has created an infrastructure improvement fund. Duane Helms is working on a plan to advise residents on the correct method for winterizing their homes if they do not live here year round. There are currently no issues for the Board of Review. Under Building, Facilities and Amenities, Scott reported that the board is looking at ways to replace the dilapidated fences at the clubhouse. Rick reported that our Second Annual Bingo Night at the Shores will Saturday, November 11th from 7 until 9p.m. It will be a fundraiser for our Summer Concert Series. More information to follow in our weekly eblasts.
Under Administration/Personnel, Nadine reported that Wendy, Dawn and Jen are doing an amazing job at restructuring and reorganizing the office with the aid of our new computer system. This will help with collection, budget planning and membership communication, just to name a few improvements. Scott reported that our Maintenance Manager, Randy Ruebel will be facing the retirement of long time employee David Sayre and is being proactive and will be training a new member of the team. You can never replace someone with the experience and skill Dave has developed over 30 years, but we can move forward. Bob reported that the Strategic Advisory Committee is working with the village Planning Commission to implement a more uniform type of architectural review for our community. We will have more information regarding this before our December meeting.
Under Club Reports: Both women’s and men’s Golf leagues are done for the season. Mike Turkovich was the winner of this year’s men’s league tournament. Marie Kaufman let us know that the Pickleball Club will participate in the Halloween Parade on October 28th and they are requesting donations of candy to pass out. They will have a holiday party on December 2nd from noon until 4 at the nature center gym on Calendar Road. She also asked that residents contact her if they are having difficulty finding a place for indoor play this winter. Mark Dougherty reported that the Polar Bear Club clam bake is tonight. The club will also be in the Halloween Parade and would like candy donations. There will be a box at Dollar General for toy donations for Breakfast with Santa, to be held at the clubhouse December 9th.
Wendy advised the board that three letters have been received from residents and all have been addressed. There were two questions from residents, one concerning dredging and one concerning wake boats. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.
Nadine Pope, Secretary
August 2023 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held a meeting on Saturday, August 5, 2023 at the clubhouse with the following directors present, Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Jeff Grosse, Rick Brothers, and Mark Dougherty.
President, Bob McClintock called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and the invocation was given by Jeff Grosse, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob welcomed everyone and introduced our new board member, Mark Dougherty. Mark and his wife Janet have been Roaming Shores residents for seven years and Mark is currently Treasurer of the Polar Bear Club. We know he will be a valuable addition to our board.
Minutes from the June 3 meeting were approved and Treasurer, Jeff Grosse gave us a financial update. Figures given were from January, 2023, through July, 2023. This report was also approved. Beginning with our October meeting, quarterly reports will be available for members. It is important to remember that most of our income is received before May 1 of each year, while expenses continue for the rest of the year.
Standing Committee Reports:
Legal: Scott let us know there are no pending legal issues. Nadine reported for Financial and Collection that our conversion to our new and improved computer program is nearly at the point where past due statements can be printed. Late charges have been added to the accounts and as soon as statements can be sent out, more collection procedures can be started. Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that there have been low testing numbers to date this summer. Rain events can cause bacteria levels to temporarily increase. Our fish stocking permit has finally been received and Jones Fish was able to stock 100 lbs of golden shiners in Plum Creek. This fall an additional 300 lbs. will be stocked to help feed our larger fish throughout the winter. Lake Management is working to improve the aesthetics of the south end of the lake by replacing the weeds with more attractive plantings, such as purple pickerel. A test planting has been done to see if they will take hold. We need to keep vegetation to maintain a buffer zone for our lake. Dave also let us know that the green algae that is annoying residents this year is non toxic unlike the blue green algae that we have been treating. Bob added that dredging is going well and currently being done on Sugar Creek. We are attempting to make up for time lost while waiting for our permit. Lake Safety: Nadine reported that our four Lake Patrol employees have been doing an excellent job this season and we hope to have the addition of our police officers on the lake next season. The village counsel and RRA counsel are working together to draft an agreement for both parties. Steve Kaufmann, our Village Liaison, told us that the council is holding a public hearing for an ordinance to control short term rentals on September 5th and is moving ahead with its’ long- range plan to improve our infrastructure. He said that the village is working on boulevard maintenance and smoke testing of our sewer lines will take place on August 22. Mike Petersen reported that there are currently no issues for the Board of Review. Under Building, Facilities and Amenities, Scott reported that the old play structure at beach one has been removed and the new one will be installed on August 9th. The structure is geared to the 3-7 year old age group. Nadine thanked Mindy Fier and the Polar Bear Club for their assistance with this project and all they do for the children in our community.
Under Administration/Personnel, Nadine reported that in addition to Wendy Carley being promoted to Office Manager, we have hired two part time office assistants, Dawn Franklin to work on Association accounting and Lisa Morales to work with member accounts. Jen Addair will continue to work part time as our IT Manager and Web Master. Joyce Misinec from the Strategic Advisory Committee reported that she is working with the village Planning Commission to implement a more uniform type of architectural review for our community.
Under Club Reports: STARS Bob reported that the August 12th wine bus tour is full and four more teams are needed to cook for the September 2nd Rib Cookoff. Mindy Fier presented the association with a $10,000. donation from the Polar Bear Club for our new playground equipment at beach one. Mindy also reminded us that there will be a picnic and children’s games at Beach 2 next Saturday. Bob thanked Mindy for all she and the club have done for our community and let her know that she will be greatly missed when she and Bryan move to Florida later this year. Bob, then presented her with a bouquet of flowers from the board in appreciation. Both women’s and men’s Golf leagues continue to meet on Tuesday and are always looking for new members. The Community Preparedness Club is looking for volunteers to help with the smoke testing on August 22nd. Please contact Marie Kaufman if you are able to help. Marie also let us know that there will be a short meeting after our meeting this morning to discuss Pickleball. Jim Fell updated us on the success of the Kids learn to fish day and the kids fun fishing day, when prizes totaling $1000.00 were raffled off to the children in attendance. He also let us know that the Couples Fishing Tournament will be held on August 12th.
Wendy advised the board that four letters have been received from residents. The board will review and respond to the residents. There were no questions from residents. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Nadine Pope, Secretary
June 2023 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held a meeting on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at the clubhouse with the following directors present, Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Louise Lisac and Jeff Grosse.
President, Bob McClintock called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and introduced board members present, explaining recent changes. Cheryl Fain gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob welcomed everyone and introduced Wendy Carley, who was recently promoted to Association Office Manager.
Jeff Grosse, our new Treasurer, gave us a financial update. Because the office is in the midst of converting to a new, more efficient, computer program through Enumerate 1, monthly figures are not yet available. The program did provide us with our year to date income information, which is at about 90% of what we have budgeted.
Under Standing Committee Reports:
Legal: Louise let us know there are no pending legal issues. Nadine reported for Financial and Collection that collection letters will go out for unpaid accounts in July. Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that Aqua Doc has completed the first weed treatment. Our warm weather and lack of rain has resulted in a later appearance of algae and increased native vegetation. The algae will not be treated until Aqua Doc feels there is sufficient algae to make the treatment beneficial. The weed harvester has been clearing areas much earlier this year. We are still waiting for the stocking permit to allow lake management to stock the lake with feeder fish. Lake Safety: Bob reported that our two veteran Lake Patrol employees have been training two new additions to the team. The board will be meeting with our police chief next week to finalize plans for us to have officers on the lake later this season. Two of our officers recently completed training through ODNR. Steve Kaufmann, our Village Liaison, reported that the new Village Administrator began on June 1. The council is looking at an ordinance to control short term rentals and is moving ahead with its’ long- range plan to improve our infrastructure. This includes replacing our water tower, hopefully by 2025. Mike Petersen reported that there are currently no issues for the Board of Review. Under Building, Facilities and Amenities, Scott reported that swings have been installed at both playgrounds. There is new concrete around the clubhouse, docks have been installed at Beach 2 and board members will be meeting with Mindy Fier, Polar Bear Club President, to review options for a new play structure at Beach 1.
Under Administration/Personnel, Bob reported that in addition to Wendy Carley being promoted to Office Manager, we have hired part time office assistant Dawn Franklin to work on Association accounting. Jen Addair will continue to work part time as our IT Manager and Web Master. Leeann Moses and Lisa Morales are also working as seasonal employees in the office. When Pat passed away, we were left with a huge void both in our hearts and in our office. Thank you to both our office and maintenance staff for stepping up to make sure we were able to get through this trying time.
Under Club Reports: STARS is ready for the 4th of July Celebration and everything is in place for the 5K run and walk. Mindy Fier reported that the Polar Bear Club is preparing for a huge garage sale on Fathers’ Day Weekend. Marie Kaufman reported that the Pickleball Club will hold a tournament on June 23. Women’s golf is at 8:30 on Thursday mornings at Hemlock Springs Golf Club. She also told us that the newly formed Yoga Club will meet at the clubhouse on Monday and Wednesday from 3 to 4 p.m.
Two members had questions concerning placement of buoys. Discussion included the importance of boater education and Lake Patrol carefully watching areas of concern. The meeting ended with Bob paying tribute to Louise Lisac. Louise and Chris will be moving to Florida in the near future. Louise will resign from the board, effective on June 15. She has given so much to our community. Her dedication and insight has helped our board move forward with many new initiatives for both our staff and our residents. Thank you, Louise, you will be a really hard act to follow. We are going to miss you. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Nadine Pope, Secretary
Note: July’s Board Meeting has been cancelled
July 2022 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held their monthly Meeting on Saturday, July 9, 2022 at the clubhouse with the following directors present, Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Louise Lisac, Rick Brothers, Rory Marshall and Jeff Grosse.
President, Scott Soble called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and Cheryl Fain gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pat Sowry called the roll. The June Meeting Minutes were approved.
Bob McClintock reviewed both the April and May Treasurer’s Reports, and both were approved in separate motions.
Scott welcomed everyone and reminded those present that our second concert will be held tonight at the Kathy Crandall Pavilion. Food will be available from the Little Red Food Truck.
Village Liaison, Steve Kaufman spoke next to give members an update on the status of the water issues that were faced this past week. Several small hydrant leaks were found on the West side of the lake as well as two malfunctioning cla-valves, which caused the water tower not to fill. These are currently being operated manually and will be further addressed this coming week. Steve thanked all those who assisted in trying to help find the source of the problem. The RRA maintenance department, Emergency Preparedness Club, the Volunteer Club the Pickleball Club members and many residents all assisted our village utility staff in trying to locate the cause of the leak. He assured everyone that the water tower is currently full and functioning. Due to this issue, hydrant flushing has been postponed. Steve also advised us that he has been working with Windstream to secure lower internet rates for our community.
Under Legal, Louise reported that there are no current legal issues.
Under Financial and Collection, Nadine reported that she and Pat have reviewed delinquent accounts and letters to those with past due balances will begin to go out next week.
Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that the first lake treatments appear to have been successful. Aqua Doc will continue to monitor the lake to see when and if a second treatment will be needed. Weekly testing continues and toxin levels continue to be low. Lake Management is working on a plan to reduce the nutrient load, which will in turn reduce the algae. High phosphorous levels create more algae. He has recently met with both Ashtabula Soil and Water and the Nature Conservancy and will keep us updated on his progress.
Rory reported for Lake Safety that we are extremely pleased with the job our Lake Patrol is doing this season. Members are becoming aware that if they are in violation, they will be stopped and cited if they are creating an unsafe situation or if they do not display current RRA boat stickers. Our biggest problem is with guests using members’ watercraft without being aware of our lake rules and proper instruction.
Marie Kaufman reported for Board of Review that they met to discuss a citation that was disputed. The citation was upheld.
Rick reported for Building, Facilities and Amenities that the Pickle Ball courts are very popular. The DJ at the pavilion for last week’s fireworks was also a big hit with members. The vandalism that occurred in a closed bathroom was also discussed. The police are investigating, and we are offering a reward for information leading us to the vandals who destroyed the bathroom. It was also noted that our chip seal project will take place July 18, 19 and 20. Several of the roads from last year’s project will be tested to see if Fog Sealing will cut down on the dust issue experienced last year. A different type of stone, that was unavailable last year, will be used in this year’s project with the hope that there will not be a dust issue. Nadine also mentioned that the board is looking forward to working with the Polar Bear Club making some upgrades to our playgrounds and Louise is working with Jeff to research the feasibility of adding a Dog Park to our community. More information on these plans will be coming in the near future.
Louise reported for Administration and Personnel that we had our monthly employee meeting to review what is happening and do any needed problem solving. Our thanks to our office and maintenance staff. This is their busiest time of year. If you see them, be sure to thank them for all they do.
Both Bob and Jeff reported for the Strategic Advisory Committee. The committee is working on a Myth vs Reality document that will submitted to the board for review as well as their Mission-Vision and Values document. Thanks to the SAC for their hard work in helping us to formulate a roadmap for the future of our community.
In Club Reports, a huge thank you to our STARS Club, especially Barb Buckley, Jen Addair and Arleen and Jim Kovats. The fireworks, 5K and Cornhole Tournament only happen because of dedicated volunteers like yourselves. Thanks also to all who supported these events with their time and donations. Jim Fell reviewed the Fishing Club’s June activities, which included a fishing seminar conducted by Fish Ohio instructors and a Kid’s Fishing Day. Thirty one kids participated and over $1,000 in prizes were awarded to the participants. Jim also reminded everyone to enter the monthly Big Fish of the month contest by having your fish weighed at the Marina. Jim also reported for the Volunteer Club that they will soon continue to stain picnic tables and that volunteers will be needed this fall when the village begins smoke testing the sanitary sewer lines. Golf Leagues meet on Thursday – women in the morning and men in the evening at Hemlock Springs Golf Course. Mindy Fier gave us an update on the Polar Bear Club activities. They hosted an Island Extravaganza Saturday from noon til 3 with free food and a 50/50 raffle. The club donated a new commercial faucet for the clubhouse kitchen and are planning a Children’s Carnival for later in the month. The club will be providing the food for our August 6th concert night and are hoping to work with the board to implement Movie nights at the pool. Mindy also thanked Terri Freeland for her donation of a popcorn machine to the club. Marie Kaufman updated us on the Pickleball Club activities. They are hosting beginner classes and planning a fall tournament. This is one of the fastest growing clubs in our community and a huge thank you to Marie for taking on its leadership.
Nadine Pope, Secretary
June 2022 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held their monthly Meeting on Saturday, June 4, 2022 at the clubhouse with the following directors present, Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Louise Lisac, Rick Brothers and Jeff Grosse.
President, Scott Soble called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and Cheryl Fain gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Scott welcomed everyone and reminded them that tonight is our first concert at the Kathy Crandall Pavilion. Pat Sowry called the roll. The April Annual Meeting Minutes and Reorganizational Meeting Minutes were approved.
Bob McClintock advised those present that the April Treasurer’s Report was not complete due to the high volume of payments made before the May 1st deadline. Both the April and May reports will be reviewed at our next meeting. Bob did, however, say that collections were on track to meet budgetary requirements.
Under Legal, Louise reported that there are no current legal issues.
Under Financial and Collection, Nadine reported that, to date, in 2022, we have collected approximately $60,000 in delinquent dues and assessments. That is already ahead of our 2021 collection. More collection letters to delinquent accounts will be going out soon.
Scott reported for Lake Management that Aqua Doc is on the lake perodically checking for algae blooms and asks that if you see something please contact Lake Management at romerocklmc@gmail.com The first full lake treatment will be scheduled soon. We hope that, if necessary, two full treatments will be done this summer if the weather cooperates.
Jim Fell reported for Lake Safety that there were several incidents, mostly involving jet skis on the lake over the Memorial Day weekend. He is very pleased with the patrol team. They are looking out for our members safety as well as checking for lot numbers and RRA stickers on all watercraft. Jim wanted to especially thank two residents for their assistance on the water last weekend. Bob Chudakoff and Dan Dietz assisted the patrol during two jet ski incidents.
Steve Kaufman, Village Council Liaison, updated those present about the Police levy to be on the ballot this year, the water tower situation, hiring of a new village road employee and working with the association to discuss the possibility of the village taking over maintenance of some off lake roads. This, if it occurs, will need to be a mutually beneficial agreement between both parties.
Marie Kaufman reported for Board of Review that they will be meeting this week to discuss a citation that has been disputed.
Rick reported for Building, Facilities and Amenities that the bathroom refresh is nearly complete and is greatly appreciated by residents. He also discussed the new signage, gates at the Marina ramp and Pickleball, Tennis Courts. The Concession Stand is open weekends and holidays and beginning Monday the pools will be open until 9 p.m. We are making progress, one project at a time and hopefully can continue to make improvements.
Scott reported for Administration and Personnel that we had our monthly employee meeting to review what is happening and do any needed problem solving. Things will be changing at the office this fall when Jen Addair is on maternity leave for several weeks. Jen will return working a reduced schedule both remotely and in the office. Our newest office employee, Wendy Carley, will become full time and assume more responsibility. We are so blessed to have an office staff who looks out for each other and works so well together. I’m sure Pat, Jen and Wendy will keep things going just as well as they always have. Our maintenance staff is a great team as well. This is their busiest time of year. If you see them, be sure to thank them for all they do.
Both Bob and Jeff reported for the Strategic Advisory Committee. The committee is using the information gathered from several focus group meetings to develop a strategic plan for the future of our community. They are beginning with a Mission Statement that will be easily recognizable for our community.
Representatives from several area clubs also provided us with information. Barb Buckley spoke for STARS. Fireworks will be July 2nd and the Rib Cookoff will be held September 3 and will include another concert at our new pavilion. They are also trying to schedule a Wine Bus Tour on August 20th. More information will follow. Dave Emick, president of the Fishing Club, advised us about the fishing seminar to be held June 11 from 10-12 at the covered bridge pavilion. Both children and adults can learn to catch and clean fish. Cheryl Fain let us know that the Community Preparedness Club still meets as needed and focuses on education. Marie Kaufman, president of the Pickleball Club, told us their first meeting will be June 12 at 5 p.m. at the court. The group already has over 60 members.
Our next meeting will be Saturday, July 9th at 10 a.m. at the Clubhouse
Nadine Pope, Secretary
2022 Annual Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held their Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at the clubhouse with the following directors present, Scott Soble, Rory Marshall, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Louise Lisac, Rick Brothers and Cheryl Fain. The meeting was attended by 82 members.
President, Scott Soble called the meeting to order at 1p.m. and introduced the Board of Directors. Cheryl Fain gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Scott welcomed everyone and Nadine Pope read the Certification of Service of Notice of the Annual Meeting. Nadine followed with the Membership Report. There were 87 New Members in 2021, which included new homes, lot owners and sales of existing homes and lots to new owners. We have a total of 1,322 total Membership Units.
Bob McClintock reviewed the 2021 Treasurer’s Report and reviewed comparisons to the two previous years. It was noted that the higher than usual carry over was due in part to projects that we were unable to complete due to contractor and material shortages, collection of delinquent accounts and higher than anticipated boat registrations.
Yvonne Gibson reported the results of the Election of the Board of Directors. Nadine Pope and Rick Brothers will retain their seats on the board and will be joined by Jeff Grosse. The board thanks Michelle Gabram and Tony DiMarino for their interest in serving on the board. Cheryl Fain will be retiring from the board and we want to thank her for her service the past three years. She will, however, continue to give the invocation before our board meetings.
Scott gave us the 2021-2022 Association Overview. We have hired part time office assistant Wendy Carley and two new members to our maintenance team, Daniel Lang and David Robinson. We have begun to replace our aging trucks, replaced the Clubhouse Seawall, worked on road improvements, implemented our text alert system and are making the Clubhouse area a community focus. The community funded The Kathy Crandall Entertainment Pavilion is also nearing completion.
Rick reported on some of the 2022 planned improvements. The dock at the Marina Boat Launch is being replaced. The tennis courts are being resurfaced to allow for both tennis and pickle ball play. Bathrooms at both beaches are being refreshed. The pumphouse at pool one will be replaced in the fall. There will be new gates at the boat ramp and new amenity signs will be installed in several areas. We will also be working on road erosion control.
Representatives from several area clubs also provided us with information. Cheryl gave an overview of Community Preparedness. Jen Addair talked about the STARS Club, who sponsor our fireworks and the 5K on July 2nd and a Cornhole Tournament July 3rd. Dave Emick spoke about events that the Fishing Club will be sponsoring this season. Mindy Fier thanked everyone for helping the Polar Bear Club raise funds for our local schools at the Polar Bear Plunge and reviewed upcoming events. Both Men’s and Women’s golf leagues meet at Hemlock Springs Golf Course on Thursdays. Shores HoldEm meets at the clubhouse two Fridays a month. Marie Kaufman gave an overview of the very popular PickleBall Club, whose season will begin on May 1. Jim Fell invited everyone to help with continuing to stain our many picnic tables with the Village Volunteer Club and Gerry Dixon spoke about the mission of the Environmental Advocacy Club. Their Mission Statement is to promote an overall balanced environmentally friendly awareness within the Roaming Shores community. For more information concerning any of these clubs, please check our website.
Louise gave an overview of our Standing Committees. Rory spoke to us about the importance of Lake Safety. Know the rules and make sure you and your guests follow them. Be sure to take a Boater Safety Course and don’t let anyone use your watercraft if they haven’t been properly instructed. The RRA is sponsoring a Boater Safety Course on Saturday, May 21st.
Dave Ernes gave us an overview of what Lake Management had accomplished in 2021 and what they hope to accomplish in 2022. In 2021 algaecide treatments improved the clarity of our lake. Tributaries were tested to determine nutrient inflow. Use of lasers reduced the bacteria levels at beach 1 by deterring the geese.
In 2022 we will continue with algaecide treatments on the whole lake and dockside invasive weed control. We will also continue with the goose deterrence program and weekly testing at the beaches. We will have increased surveillance of the lake by AquaDoc, evaluate peroxide product on Flame Lake, do targeted dredging in coves with dredging of the south end of the lake in the fall, more targeted testing and a Fish Survey in the fall.
Dave also stressed that members can help by doing their part. Avoid fertilizers with phosphorous, keep grass clippings, leaves etc. out of the lake, create buffer zones and ask if you have a question by emailing Lake Management at romerocklmc@gmail.com.
We all have a vested interest in our lake and it is every members responsibility to help to take care of it.
Thank you to everyone who attended.
Nadine Pope, Secretary
April 2022 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held their April meeting on Saturday, April 2nd at the Clubhouse with the following members present: Scott Soble, Rory Marshall, Bob McClintock, Cheryl Fain, Rick Brothers, Louise Lisac and Nadine Pope. Also present was Pat Sowry.
President, Scott Soble called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. Cheryl gave the invocation and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The March minutes were approved. The February Treasurer’s report was presented and approved. Scott welcomed the residents in attendance. Once again, we were pleased that some members of our village council were present. It is so important that we share ideas and work along side our village for the common goal of a unified community.
Scott also reported that construction of the Kathy Crandall Entertainment Pavilion is nearing completion. Our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be held before the first concert on June 4th. We have a concert scheduled for the first Saturday of each month this summer. The last one will be held at the Rib Cook Off on September 3rd.
Under Legal, Louise reported that there are no current legal issues
Under Financial and Collection, Nadine reported that collection letters were sent to delinquent members in February. To date, in 2022, we have received nearly $45,000 in delinquent dues and assessments. This is an ongoing process that will continue throughout the year.
Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that Rick Gainar recently wrote an article concerning Goose Addling, which was included in the current issue of the Shores News. Rick and the EAC are looking for members to assist with this process. If you identify a nest on your property, or near it, we ask that you call the RRA Office at 440-563-3170 to let us know and also give permission for Mr. Gainar or another volunteer to enter your property to check the nest. This is a very important part of preserving the health of our lake. Dave Ernes also brought some brochures that explain use of fertilizers, mowing and many other tips for lake health. What goes on your grass, will wind up in the lake. These brochures are available at the RRA Office. He also told us that Jones Fish will be doing our Fish Survey this fall. Dave will be giving a presentation at our Annual Meeting on April 30th to present the Lake Management Plan for 2022.
Under Lake Safety Rick reported that we are looking for lake patrol employees for this summer and ways to make residents aware of the importance of obeying our boating regulations and passing this information on to everyone they allow to use their watercraft. There will be a Boater Safety Class held at the Clubhouse on May 21st from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.. The cost is $10.00, which includes lunch. You can sign up by contacting the RRA Office at 440-563-3170. Registration must be paid in advance of the class.
RRA-RSV Liaison – Cheryl gave those present an overview of the last Village Council meeting.
Under Board of Review, Mike Petersen reported that there are no current appeals.
Under Building and Facilities, Bob reported that demo has been completed on the bathrooms at Beach 1 and Beach 2. Materials have been ordered and painting begun. After the epoxy floor is completed and painting finished, tiling and installation of fixtures will begin. There will be new composite stalls, new vanities, comfort height toilets, air hand dryers and baby changing stations. New lighting will also be installed.
Rick also spoke about the new Entertainment Pavilion and what a great addition it will be to our community. In addition to the concerts, we have scheduled a DJ to entertain members on July 2 before the fireworks.
Under Administration, Nadine reported that the Personnel Committee met with employees yesterday. These meetings are excellent planning sessions as well as opportunities for our employees to give us their ideas and voice any concerns. Scott is in regular communication with Randy Reubel, our Maintenance Supervisor, to discuss anything that comes up between regular meetings. At yesterday’s meeting our 2022 road plan was discussed. We are planning to use different materials this year to help reduce the dust from our chip and seal project. We know this isn’t a perfect solution, but it allows us to maximize our allocated funds to maintain and keep our roads as safe as possible.
Under Amenities Rick reported that after meeting with vending machine companies, it is apparent that they feel our limited season isn’t profitable enough for them to place machines at our pools. He is working on an alternate plan to discuss with the board in the near future. Rick also reported that planning is going well for our New Member Orientation to be held from 6:30 til 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 7th. This meeting is open to all members, but is especially geared towards new members from 2020 and 2021. It will provide them with information concerning Roaming Shores and the surrounding area. Refreshments will be served. Should you have any questions, please contact Ellen Petersen at 412-260-6037 or Rick Brothers at 330-240-4824. May 7th is also our Spring Clean-up. Look for information in our weekly eblast.
Nadine reported that board members met with Jim Kovats from the STARS Club and reviewed plans for new signs that will be placed at the Clubhouse/Pool and Beach 1, the Pool and Beach 2, the Basketball Court, the Tennis/Pickleball Courts, Sunset Park and Dawn Park. This is phase 1 of our sign project. In phase 2, Jen Addair and Randy Ruebel will be compiling a list of informational signs that are needed.
The Neighborhood Volunteer Club will begin helping our maintenance department stain picnic tables this month, after they have been pressure washed and dried. Anyone willing to help with this project, please contact Jim Fell or leave your name at the RRA office.
Rick reported that Friends and Neighbors Club will host a dinner at Laurello Vineyards on Friday, April 8th. Please RSVP to Marilyn Morris at 440-563-1653 if you are planning to attend.
Polar Bear Club – Scott reported that the Polar Bear Club will be providing the food for our August 6th Concert as a fundraiser. The club is also planning to do repairs and landscaping on Goose Island this spring. We want to thank them for all they do for our community
Marie Kaufman reported that the Womens’ Golf League meets on Thursday mornings at 8:30 at Hemlock Springs Golf Course. Everyone is welcome, no matter what your skill level is. The Pickle Ball Club will be hosting their Spring Social on Friday, April 29th. They will have Pickle Ball demonstrations and welcome new members. There will be a guest speaker, refreshments and door prizes for those attending. The club is hoping weather allows the resurfacing of the tennis courts to begin by June 1st, as planned. They are also looking into a local place that would allow indoor play during the colder weather.
Tony DiMarino reported for the Environmental Advocacy Club. They are working with Rick Gainar and volunteers to help solve our problem of geese polluting our lake. They will assist with the addlling project.
Cheryl reported for the Community Preparedness Club that they will be hosting Coffee with the Candidates next Saturday, April 9th at 10 a.m. Questions will be posed to all five candidates from the club as well as from the audience.
Under New Business, the board approved Yvonne Gibson and Barb Buckley to act as Ballot Inspectors for the April RRA Directors Election.
The board also approved Phase 1 of our sign project as described under amenities.
Questions from residents concerned the 2021 Chip Seal Project and placement of buoys on the lake to encourage jet skis and boaters to use more caution.
The board will look into the questions and concerns from these residents.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Nadine Pope, Secretary
March 2022 Board Meeting Recap
The RomeRock Association held their March meeting on Saturday, March 5th at the Clubhouse with the following members present: Scott Soble, Rory Marshall, Bob McClintock (remotely), Cheryl Fain, Rick Brothers and Nadine Pope. Also present was Pat Sowry.
President, Scott Soble called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. Cheryl gave the invocation. The January minutes were approved. The January Treasurer’s report was also approved. Scott welcomed the residents in attendance and is glad we can once again meet in person. We were especially pleased that some members of our village council were present. It is so important that we share ideas and work along side our village for the common goal of a unified community.
Scott also reported that construction of the Entertainment Pavilion is nearing completion of the structure itself. There is much more that will be happening, however, before our first concert in June. We have four concerts scheduled for this summer. The last one will be held at the Rib Cook Off on September 3rd. There will also be a DJ at the Pavilion on July 2nd to entertain members when they come to the park for the fireworks.
Under Legal, Scott reported that there are no current legal issues
Under Financial and Collection, Nadine reported she met with Pat to compile a new list of delinquent members. Letters were sent out to some of these members at the end of February. To date, in 2022, nearly $20,000.00 in delinquent dues and assessments has been collected. More letters to members will be going out this month. Members need to all share in the expenses of our lake community.
Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that the water quality report is available on the RRA website and that he included a summary of the report in a recent eblast. Should anyone have questions, they can email Dave at romerocklmc@gmail.com. Three quotes have been received for our proposed Fish Survey and LMC is reviewing them and will make a recommendation to the board. Dave said that the 2022 lake health plan is nearly complete and will collaborative, combining weekly testing with more eyes on the lake to see problems as they arise. He is working with EnviroScience and AquaDoc. Some testing sites may be adjusted as well as watershed testing. This is all being done so a long range plan for lake health can be formulated for 2023. We will be using the Vodoguard treatments again this year and will look into the possibility of using the Vodoguard treatment that uses peroxide in the future. We are looking into ways to test this product in a limited area before use. Dredging the South end of the lake will begin in September with limited dredging during the summer months farther north in some of the lake’s coves.
Under Lake Safety, Rory reported that Chief Roskos advised him that all water certification classes for 2022 are filled. We will continue to work towards a police presence on the lake but for this season will attempt to increase the Lake Patrol presence on the lake. Jim Fell has agreed to work on lake patrol this season and we will be advertising for additional part time employees. Rory also reported that the next Boating Safety Course will be at the Clubhouse on May21 from 9 a.m. til 6 p.m. More information will follow in our weekly eblast.
Under Board of Review, Yvonne Gibson reported that the board has no current appeals.
Under Building and Facilities, Bob reported that demo has been completed on the bathrooms at Beach 1 and Beach 2. Materials have been ordered and there is a ten week time line for installing new fixtures, bathroom stalls and changing stations. There will be new epoxy flooring, lighting and all areas will be painted. Nadine reported that she will be working with Rory and Jim Kovats to plan for some new signage at the shores. All signs should have a recognizable logo and be easily maintained and reproduced.
Under Administration, Nadine reported that the committee would be meeting with employees later in the month. These meetings are excellent planning sessions as well as opportunities for our employees to give us their ideas and voice any concerns. Scott is in regular communication with Randy Reubel, our Maintenance Supervisor, to discuss anything that comes up between regular meetings.
Under Amenities, Nadine reported that the pickle ball/tennis court resurfacing will be completed by the beginning of June, as long as the weather is such that the resurfacing material will have sufficient temperatures to properly cure. Cracks will be filled with mesh and the entire court resurfaced and finished with sport court paint. It will have four pickle ball courts that can also be used as two tennis courts. Rick reported that planning is going well for our New Member Orientation to be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 23rd (note, this date was rescheduled for Saturday, May 7th at 6:30pm). This meeting is open to all members, but is especially geared towards new members and will provide them with information concerning Roaming Shores and the surrounding area. Rick also reported that we should have vending machines offering water and soft drinks in place at beach 1 and 2 by Memorial Day.
Fishing Club , Jim Fell reported that dues were raised $5.00 per year to an annual fee of $25.00. These dues help to pay for several of their events during the summer, including the Childrens’ Fishing Clinic that they host .Their 2022 Calendar of Events is posted at the clubhouse. Jim also reported for the Neighborhood Volunteer Club that they will begin helping our maintenance department stain picnic tables after they have been pressure washed and dried. Anyone willing to help with this project, please contact Jim or leave your name at the RRA office.
Rick reported that Friends and Neighbors Club will host a dinner at Paradise Bay on Friday, March 11th. Just show up, you can order from the menu and catch up with your neighbors.
Polar Bear Club – Scott reported that Mindy Fier wanted to thank all those who helped make the Plunge a huge success. Over $16,000.00 was raised for our local schools. The board wants to thank Mindy and all of the Polar Bear Club members for their hard work on the plunge and their amazing community involvement all year long.
Steve Kaufman reported that the Pickle Ball Club will be hosting their Spring Social on Friday, April 29 to have Pickle Ball demonstrations and welcome new members.
Nadine Pope, Secretary