June 2023 Board Meeting Recap

The RomeRock Association held a meeting on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at the clubhouse with the following directors present, Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Louise Lisac and Jeff Grosse.

President, Bob McClintock called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and introduced board members present, explaining recent changes. Cheryl Fain gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Bob welcomed everyone and introduced Wendy Carley, who was recently promoted to Association Office Manager.

Jeff Grosse, our new Treasurer, gave us a financial update. Because the office is in the midst of converting to a new, more efficient, computer program through Enumerate 1, monthly figures are not yet available. The program did provide us with our year to date income information, which is at about 90% of what we have budgeted.

Under Standing Committee Reports:

Legal: Louise let us know there are no pending legal issues. Nadine reported for Financial and Collection that collection letters will go out for unpaid accounts in July. Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that Aqua Doc has completed the first weed treatment. Our warm weather and lack of rain has resulted in a later appearance of algae and increased native vegetation. The algae will not be treated until Aqua Doc feels there is sufficient algae to make the treatment beneficial. The weed harvester has been clearing areas much earlier this year. We are still waiting for the stocking permit to allow lake management to stock the lake with feeder fish.  Lake Safety: Bob reported that our two veteran Lake Patrol employees have been training two new additions to the team. The board will be meeting with our police chief next week to finalize plans for us to have officers on the lake later this season. Two of our officers recently completed training through ODNR. Steve Kaufmann, our Village Liaison, reported that the new Village Administrator began on June 1. The council is looking at an ordinance to control short term rentals and is moving ahead with its’ long- range plan to improve our infrastructure. This includes replacing our water tower, hopefully by 2025. Mike Petersen reported that there are currently no issues for the Board of Review. Under Building, Facilities and Amenities, Scott reported that swings have been installed at both playgrounds. There is new concrete around the clubhouse, docks have been installed at Beach 2 and board members will be meeting with Mindy Fier, Polar Bear Club President, to review options for a new play structure at Beach 1.

Under Administration/Personnel, Bob reported that in addition to Wendy Carley being promoted to Office Manager, we have hired part time office assistant Dawn Franklin to work on Association accounting. Jen Addair will continue to work part time as our IT Manager and Web Master. Leeann Moses and Lisa Morales are also working as seasonal employees in the office. When Pat passed away, we were left with a huge void both in our hearts and in our office. Thank you to both our office and maintenance staff for stepping up to make sure we were able to get through this trying time.

Under Club Reports: STARS is ready for the 4th of July Celebration and everything is in place for the 5K run and walk. Mindy Fier reported that the Polar Bear Club is preparing for a huge garage sale on Fathers’ Day Weekend. Marie Kaufman reported that the Pickleball Club will hold a tournament on June 23. Women’s golf is at 8:30 on Thursday mornings at Hemlock Springs Golf Club. She also told us that the newly formed Yoga Club will meet at the clubhouse on Monday and Wednesday from 3 to 4 p.m.

Two members had questions concerning placement of buoys. Discussion included the importance of boater education and Lake Patrol carefully watching areas of concern. The meeting ended with Bob paying tribute to Louise Lisac. Louise and Chris will be moving to Florida in the near future. Louise will resign from the board, effective on June 15. She has given so much to our community. Her dedication and insight has helped our board move forward with many new initiatives for both our staff and our residents. Thank you, Louise, you will be a really hard act to follow. We are going to miss you. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

Nadine Pope, Secretary

Note: July’s Board Meeting has been cancelled

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