October 2023 Board Meeting Recap

The RomeRock Association held a meeting on Saturday, October 7, 2023 at the clubhouse with the following directors present: Scott Soble, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Rick Brothers, Jeff Grosse, Rory Marshall and Mark Dougherty. Also present was Office Manager, Wendy Carley.

President, Bob McClintock called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and the invocation was given by Jeff Grosse, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Jeff asked for a moment of silence in honor of Cheryl Fain. Cheryl, a past board member, was faithful in always giving a moving invocation  to begin our meetings. Bob welcomed everyone and reminded them that there is a Celebration of Life for Cheryl Fain at the clubhouse on Sunday at 1 p.m.

Minutes from the August 5th meeting were approved and Treasurer, Jeff Grosse gave us a financial update from January through September of 2023.  The Treasurer’s report was also approved. Jeff told those in attendance that he would be glad to meet with them if they were interested in more detailed information.

 Standing Committee Reports:

Legal: Scott let us know that we are researching using legal means to collect funds from delinquent accounts. Nadine reported for Financial and Collection that thirty collection letters were sent out at the end of September. Several of these accounts have extremely high balances. These are vacant lots whose owners have not responded to our many attempts to collect what is owed on their accounts. We are investigating working with the village and/or our legal counsel to find a method to settle these accounts. It is unfair to all paying members to allow these to remain delinquent. Dave Ernes reported for Lake Management that there have been low bacteria levels this summer. Rain events can cause bacteria levels to temporarily increase. The weather this summer has caused a huge spike in the nitrates and nitrites in our lake, which feed filamentous algae and can cause snails to die. The snails we are seeing are an invasive snail and not natural to our lake. Our lake was recently stocked for the second time this season. This time with 300 pounds of minnows and shiners. Dave also explained that the issue on the South end of the lake was due to rotting vegetation that led to lack of oxygen in that area. Testing was done to be sure the smell was not due to any sewer or bacteria issues. Five aerators have been placed at the South end to help increase the oxygen levels. Thank you to the residents who allowed us to plug into their power to help alleviate this issue. Further testing of the oxygen levels will continue. The problem at the south end has made us temporarily move our dredging back north. Lake Safety: Rory reported that our Lake Patrol employees have done an excellent job this season.  They have concentrated on education of our boaters when violations occur. He also let us know that the board is working on a plan for educating kayakers and meeting with wake boat owners to help develop a plan to keep our sea walls safe and lower the sediment that gets stirred up. Steve Kaufmann, our Village Liaison, told us that the council is working to develop a plan for our new water tower and has created an infrastructure improvement fund. Duane Helms is working on a plan to advise residents on the correct method for winterizing their homes if they do not live here year round.  There are currently no issues for the Board of Review. Under Building, Facilities and Amenities, Scott reported that the board is looking at ways to replace the dilapidated fences at the clubhouse. Rick reported that our Second Annual Bingo Night at the Shores will Saturday, November 11th from 7 until 9p.m. It will be a fundraiser for our Summer Concert Series. More information to follow in our weekly eblasts.

Under Administration/Personnel, Nadine reported that Wendy, Dawn and Jen are doing an amazing job at restructuring and reorganizing the office with the aid of our new computer system. This will help with collection, budget planning and membership communication, just to name a few improvements. Scott reported that our Maintenance Manager, Randy Ruebel will be facing the retirement of  long time employee David Sayre and is being proactive and will be training a new member of the team. You can never replace someone with the experience and skill Dave has developed over 30 years, but we can move forward. Bob reported that the Strategic Advisory Committee is working with the village Planning Commission to implement a more uniform type of architectural review for our community. We will have more information regarding this before our December meeting.

Under Club Reports:  Both women’s and men’s Golf leagues are done for the season. Mike Turkovich was the winner of this year’s men’s league tournament. Marie Kaufman let us know that the Pickleball Club will participate in the Halloween Parade on October 28th and they are requesting donations of candy to pass out. They will have a holiday party on December 2nd from noon until 4 at the nature center gym on Calendar Road. She also asked that residents contact her if they are having difficulty finding a place for indoor play this winter. Mark Dougherty reported that the Polar Bear Club clam bake is tonight. The club will also be in the Halloween Parade and would like candy donations. There will be a box at Dollar General for toy donations for Breakfast with Santa, to be held at the clubhouse December 9th.

Wendy advised the board that three letters have been received from residents and all have been addressed. There were two questions from residents, one concerning dredging and one concerning wake boats. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.

Nadine Pope, Secretary

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