Halloween in Roaming Shores Oct 28th

Halloween in Roaming Shores will be celebrated on Saturday, October 28th. There will be a parade, trick-or-treating and free hotdogs and cider from the RSPD!

The Roaming Shores Police Department’s annual Halloween Parade will be held this year on Saturday, October the 28th at 3:00PM.

Note: The parade route has been changed from previous years!

If you are participating in the motorcade with a float or decorated vehicle line up will begin around 2:30 on Plum Creek Drive. The parade will promptly depart that location at 3:00.

If you are dressed up in your costume and wish to participate in the costume contest be sure to look for our judges who will be at the front of the parade. Also, make sure to have some sort of sign with your address on it so that we can find you after the parade has ended to distribute prize money.

Last but not least, be sure to stop by out canopy at the tennis courts after the parade has ended and during trick-or-treat for a hotdog and cup of cider.

Trick-or-Treating will take place from 5pm to 7pm.

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