Notice: Proposed Bylaw Amendments

The RRA Board of Directors will hold a special meeting on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 1PM at the RRA Office for the 1st reading of the following proposed Bylaw amendments displayed below.

The 2nd reading of proposed Bylaw amendments will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 10AM at the RRA Clubhouse.

The 3rd reading of proposed Bylaw amendments will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 10AM at the RRA Clubhouse.

The amendments were passed at the January 25, 2025 meeting and are now effective.

Notice: Road Ban Begins Feb 15th

In Roaming Shores, from February 15th to April 15th, there is a road ban for heavy construction equipment. During this period of time, construction shall be limited to those activities that do not require heavy trucks or trailers on the Village roads. No delivery of material or equipment that requires trucks in excess of TRAA Class 2 shall be permitted.

This ban helps protect our roads from damage during the Spring thaw.

Community Easter Egg Hunt April 19th

Mark you calendars!  On April 19th beginning at 10am, we will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt outside of the Clubhouse beginning at 10am. The age groups will be 1-3, 4-7, and 8-12. Mary’s Kitchen Food Truck will be on site during this event serving up some yummy food!

We are currently seeking donations of candy and prizes for children to win during the Easter Egg Hunt (ages 1-12). Donations can be dropped off at either the Roaming Shores Village Hall, 2500 Hayford Road or at the Rome Rock Association Office located at 1875 US RT 6. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to either Jen Addair or Chief Will Roskos at

Any checks for monetary donations may be made out to “Friends of the Roaming Shores Police Department”.

Thank you!

2025 Safe Boating Course April 5th

Are you a boater? Were you born born on or after Jan. 1, 1982?

Did you know you are required to earn a boating certificate in order to operate any boat or personal watercraft over 10 horsepower in the State of Ohio. Every year, Lake Patrol encounters inexperienced boaters who have not met this requirement who put themselves and others in danger.

In order to ensure all boaters on our lake are certified, we will again be offering a Safe Boating Course which will be held at the Clubhouse on Saturday, April 5th beginning at 10am. The course lasts eight hours including the test, and is full of information for anyone who owns any type of watercraft or just enjoys being on the water.

The course is limited to 30 participants who must be ages 12 and older.  The cost is $10/each (non refundable). Lunch included!

Contact the RRA office at 440-563-3170, stop by, or email to get signed up. You will be able to pay for the course using our Member Portal if you prefer not to stop at the office or mail your registration money.

Portal Workshop Feb 21st

Do you need assistance getting set up with either your RRA Member Portal or Digital Membership Cards? The RRA will be hosting a workshop to help get you set up on Friday, Feb 21st from 10am – 6pm at the Clubhouse.

For those needing assistance with the digital membership cards, please bring the following for your cards:

  • Pictures
    • Preferably of each individual or an image that can be cropped
  • Birthdates

Light refreshments will be provided.

Friends and Neighbors Valentine’s Dinner

Our Friends and Neighbors Valentine Dinner is February 14th at Spring Hill Winery. Entertainment will be provided for those who want to enjoy listening to or dancing. Let’s call it your date night out! Welcoming all Singles & Couples. RSVP is required for seating.

Contact Marilyn Morris Text: (440) 563-1653

2025 Early Bird Drawing Winners

The winners of the 2025 Early Bird Drawing

#1 – $500: Lot 2395 – Richard Cantini
#2 – $450: Lot 488 – Nicole & David Hahn
#3 – $400: Lot 1933 – Kathy Maznik
#4 – $350: Drawing Feb 6th
#5 – $300: Drawing Feb 13th
#6 – $250: Drawing Feb 20th
#7 – $200: Drawing Feb 27th
#8 – $150: Drawing March 6th
#9 – $100: Drawing March 13th
#10 – $50: Drawing March 20th

2025 Board of Directors Election

Election time for the RomeRock Association Board of Directors is at hand and a slate of candidates will soon be presented to the membership.

If you are interested in running, you need the desire to give some time to the administration of your property owners’ association and be an active member (not delinquent).  You do not have to be a full-time resident of Roaming Shores.

Three positions are to be filled in 2025.  All terms are for three years.

To be eligible to have your name added to the slate, you must have attended at least three (3) or ¼ of the regular board meetings (including the Annual Meeting) in the past year; and present your request in writing with original signature to the RRA office. You will then need to complete a candidate questionnaire and sign a pledge not to harm the RRA during the election. This information may be used, all or in part, during election time.  Qualifications for becoming and maintaining a Director are found in Article VIII, Section 2 of the By-Laws.

Election Timeline

  • Feb 25, 2025 – 1:00 P.M. deadline to have name placed on ballot
  • March 26, 2025 – Ballots must be postmarked prior to 1 P.M.
  • April 23, 2025 – Balloting closed at 1 P.M.
  • Time Arranged – Committee counts ballots at Clubhouse or Association Office
  • April 26, 2025 – Annual Meeting at 10 A.M.

Please consider seriously your part in protecting your investment.

2025 Polar Bear Plunge

It’s a big one so get ready! Saturday March 8th 2025 we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary of the plunge!

Not much is changing from previous years but we are preparing for the best turn out to date!

One new thing… Due to the expected turn out pre-registration for PLUNGERS will be required to receive your free T-Shirt. All you need to do is send us an email at with your name and unisex shirt size. We will have extras available the day of but may run out.

starts a 1pm and ends at 2:45
DJ begins at 1pm and Plunge begins at 3pm

Money raised will benefit the Jeffrey B. Meddock Memorial Scholarship at Pymatuning Valley Schools, Grand Valley Schools student programs in memory of Emily Plickert, Jefferson Area Local Schools Academic Boosters, Thomas Zirkle Memorial ATECH scholarship, and the Roaming Shores Kids’ Breakfast with Santa event.

To assist us in our efforts, we are taking orders in advance for our annual plunge t-shirts and hoodies. T-shirts will sell for $15, zipped hoodies $35, and pullover hoodies $30 each. Payment in advance is required at the time of order and the last day we can accept an order is Feb. 20th. Make checks payable to RSPBC and mail to Bree Bodisch, President at 1513 Morningstar Drive Roaming Shores, OH 44084. Any individual who wishes to donate to this years’ plunge, please mail your check to this same address. Questions, 440-812-1055 text preferred

Fishing Club News – January 2025

We would like to thank the 59 members and their families who joined our club in 2024.  Membership fees are only $25 a year per family, yet many of our members contribute additional money to help support the two kid’s events that we sponsor every year.

The Kid’s Fishing Seminar will be held on Saturday, June 7th (10:00 AM to 12:00 noon).  At this event, we invite parents and grandparents to bring their kids to learn the basics of fishing.  We give each child a new rod, reel, and packet of fishing gear and teach them the basics of rigging and how to cast.  We provide a lunch for everyone and send them home with their new gear to practice.

The Kid’s Fishing Day will be held on Saturday June 21st (10:00 AM to 12:00 noon).  At this event, the kids meet us at the club house cove area.  We provide worms for bait and the shoreline will be crowded with many young children enjoying the sport of fishing.  It is great to see the children and their families enjoying fishing. We again provide a lunch for everyone.  Each child then selects a gift from a large selection of prizes to take home.  We hope to see many of you at these events in 2025.

The club also holds 5 fishing tournaments each season.  At the two all species events, prizes are given for the largest fish caught from each species in our lake. There are also two bass tournaments.  Prizes are given for the largest five bass limit, as well as big bass.

The club also holds a couples’ tournament. Husband/wife, father/daughter, mother/ son, etc. Prizes are given for the largest total weight of panfish caught. We are looking forward to an exciting 2025 season and hope to see all of you at many of our events.  See you on the water!


Al Rubosky-Secretary

2025 Dues and Assessments Information

1/2/25 Note: 2025 charges have been applied.

Annual Dues and Assessment billing is coming, once again. Invoices will be distributed after the first of the year. Please note Assessments for 2025 have increased 10%. This increase represents a modest increase over the current rate of inflation. The additional funds are necessary in order to keep pace with the rate of inflation, to continue necessary infrastructure and capital improvements, and avoid degradation of services. Dues remain at $60/yr.

To Members who own properties that are consolidated, your billing statement includes your consolidated lots on a single statement. Extra lots will be included on separate statements.

Dues and assessments are payable by May 1, 2025. A late charge will be applied at an increment of 2% for the first month of delinquency, an additional 5% for the second month, and a final additional 5% (for a total of 12%) for 3 months delinquency. Beyond 3 months, a delinquent account is entered into our collections process. Avoid unnecessary charges and pay your assessed amount on or before May 1, 2025, you are welcome to pay in installments. We will again hold an early bird drawing for members who pay their accounts in full early.

If you are in the process of selling your home and/or lots, you must pay your billed amount before the due date. Your title agency can prorate the dues and assessments you have paid based on your closing date.

Payment Options

In Person: Checks, credit cards/debit cards and cash are accepted at our office location (1875 US Highway 6). There is a 3% fee for credit cards or $5.95 for debit. Our office hours through Mid-April are M-F 9am to 5pm. You may also use our dropbox located on the front porch. The box is under video surveillance and emptied daily. 
Mail: You can send your payment via US Mail to P.O. Box 8, Rome, OH 44085. Checks and credit cards/debit cards are accepted. If paying by credit/debit card please use form on the back of the return portion of your statement, there is a 3% fee for credit cards or $5.95 for debit. Be sure to include the 3-digit code on the back of your card.  
Bank Bill Pay: Many banks offer their customer’s bill pay through their website. You can set the RomeRock Association as a payee. If you use this option to pay your Dues and Assessments, please make sure to set your Account Number as your Lot number(s). Your lot number is your property address. 
Online – Member Portal: The Online Member Portal allows you to view, manage and make Dues and Assessments payments. You will be able to set up recurring or one-time payments through our online portal and save your payment methods to use again in the future.  
Access your Portal at:  
In order to access your Portal, we must have a good email address for you on file. Search for the RomeRock Association by typing “romerock” as one word (note: roaming shores will not work). Then enter your email address. Follow the instructions to complete your registration. If you have questions regarding your account balance or need help accessing your account, please contact The RomeRock Association at 440-563-3170 or  

**Note: There is a fee assessed for paying online per unconsolidated lot. 3% is charged for using a credit card, $5.95 for debit card, and $2.95 ACH payments. There is no ACH fee if you set up AutoPay PRIOR TO charges being applied. 

Early Bird Drawing

The RRA will again be holding an Early Bird Drawing for those who pay their Dues & Assessments in full early. Each account paid in full before 5pm each Thursday between January 16th and March 20th will be eligible for weekly drawings for cash prizes. These prizes start at $500 and are reduced by $50 per week until the award for March 20th becomes $50.  This totals $2,750 in prizes.  GOOD LUCK!

Pay your total RRA balance, AT ONE TIME, as soon as possible. Full payments by 5pm on January 16th provides eligibility for ALL TEN DRAWINGS.

Notes: If your lot(s) are owned jointly, each joint owner must be paid in full to be eligible (in turn, each joint owner is eligible to win). If you own multiple lots, all of your lots must be paid in full to be eligible (in turn, each lot you own is eligible to win). If you pay your bill online, you will be entered into the contest when we are notified that your full payment has been successfully processed. We are not notified instantaneously.

Membership Cards

**Please note that if we do not have a Membership Application for you on file, or you are not in good standing, your digital membership account will not be approved. **

The RRA implemented a new electronic ID system in 2024. We are fully transitioning to this new system this year. If you have not already, you will need to create an account to be able to add yourself, spouse, immediate family members, etc.

Be advised delinquent members have rights of ingress and egress to their property only. The presence of delinquent members on association owned property is considered criminal trespass and will be enforced in the courts. Active Members may not bring a delinquent property owner or their family as guests.

Rentals/Special Memberships

To Members that rent out their homes, we require a copy of the current rental/lease agreement with your tenants and a signed letter from you giving up your rights every year. All leases must be 28 days or more and may not be leased more than three (3) times per calendar year. Leases of unimproved lots (a lot without a dwelling) are prohibited. A Special Membership fee of $250 annually shall be paid by the Special Member.


Powered watercraft on Lake Roaming Rock must have 2025 membership ID decals affixed by May 1, 2025. Watercraft without current/proper decals are subject to a CITATION. 2025 decals will be available later this month, contact the office to confirm availability.

New rates for 2025: Decals for motorboats and pontoons 10 HP and above are $125 each; Personal watercraft (jet skis, seadoos, etc.) are $150 each. After the fourth watercraft over 10 HP, any watercraft over 10 HP will cost an additional $100. Watercraft with motors of 9.9 HP or under will not be charged but must still register with the RRA. There is a length limit of 21ft for all powered watercraft and 28ft for all pontoon boats. Membership ID decals are available to Active Members only!

Non-powered watercraft and watercraft with only electric trolling motors are not required to register with the RRA; they are only required to display a valid state tag, registration number, and lot number.

When registering or renewing your watercraft with the RRA, you must present your valid and current state registration to the RRA Office EVERY year. When registering a watercraft for the first time with the RRA the original or certified copy of the watercraft’s title, in addition to state registration, is required. Watercraft may also be renewed online on our website (not currently available as decals are not yet in stock)

All watercraft on Lake Roaming Rock must be owned solely by a property owner who is an Active Member of RomeRock Association, Inc. NO ADDITIONAL OWNERS ON A TITLE/REGISTRATION–UNLESS BOTH ARE ACTIVE MEMBERS. Watercraft owners will be required to sign a statement that they carry adequate liability insurance. Please be aware property owners are responsible for family members and guests’ actions while operating watercraft. Educate everyone who you allow to operate your watercraft of all State and RRA rules.

If you sell your watercraft to another property owner, please take the time to remove your lot numbers before the buyer takes possession of the watercraft or you may receive a citation if the new owner breaks a rule.

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Office Info:

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8, Rome, OH 44085

Located at 1875 US Route 6, Roaming Shores, OH 44085


Monday – Friday
9am – 5pm

Email Us.

Office: (440) 563-3170
Fax: (440) 563-5667

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