Please use this page as a reference for some of the Association’s most frequently asked questions. Have a question that hasn’t been answered on this page? Please Contact Us.
Membership Cards Questions
Membership cards are cards that are issued yearly that allow you to be able to use the facilities of the RRA.
Membership Cards are issued to the Property Owner/s and can be requested for their children (and their spouse, if applicable), grandchildren, parents; or persons who live with the Property Owner permanently.
Yes, depending on whether you are the property owner or are over the age of 15. Please see the back of your card for details or the guest section of the Rules and Regulations. Members not in good standing cannot accompany you as your guest.
Membership statuses change and our gate guards cannot be expected to “know” everyone or their current status. For convenience, you can take a picture of your card to display on your phone.
Unfortunately, there are cases where well-meaning Members knowingly or unknowingly bring the children of delinquent Members to our facilities. While this may seem unfair to these children, it is also not fair to Members who pay their Dues and Assessments.
A babysitter card can be issued to a person over the age of 15 who is ineligible for a card of their own for the purpose of bringing the child of a Member to our facilities. The babysitter cannot be a Member-not-in-good-standing with the RRA. The babysitter card can only be used to admit the Member’s children, no other guests are permitted. The children must have their own cards when signing in.