The RomeRock Association implemented a dredging operation in 2014. Below is a summary of our operations thus far.

Dredging Timeline


Necessary permits were acquired through the EPA and Army Corp of Engineers. Land for a dewatering site was secured. The dewatering site was then engineered and constructed to conform with the permit requirements. Equipment was purchased and constructed including 2 excavators, a bulldozer, a push boat, barges, and dump scowls. Additionally, takeout points from the lake to the dewatering site were constructed.


Location Dredged: Knowlton Entrance
Material Removed: 1300 cu/yds


Locations Dredged: Cove at 2276, 2277 & Knowlton Entry
Material Removed: 5790 cu/yds


Location Dredged: Fisherman’s Cove
Material Removed: 6000 cu/yds


Location Dredged: Fisherman’s Cove
Material Removed: 5540 cu/yds


Locations Dredged: Sugar Creek, Nature’s Cove
Material Removed: 4000 cu/yds


Locations Dredged: Sugar Creek, West side of South end
Material Removed: 6580 cu/yds


Locations Dredged: East side of South end, Spanish Cove
Material Removed: 6230 cu/yds


Locations Dredged: East side of South end (Unable to dredge until after Labor Day)
Material Removed: 3160 cu/yds


Locations Dredged: End of Spanish Cove, Clubhouse Cove, Geneva Cove (Army Corps delay)
Material Removed: 1780 cu/yds


Locations Dredged: Knowlton Entrance, RL 54, RL 47, Terrace Cove (Jefferson Point), RL 36
Material Removed: 5570 cu/yds


Locations Dredged: Auxiliary Spillway, RL 34 cove, RL 3 cove, RL 39, east side of South end
Material Removed: 6090 cu/yds

Dredging Map

Areas dredged as of Nov 2024

Dredging Operation

There is so much more to dredging than having excavators out on the water.

April 15th – October 30th (weather permitting)

Lake dredging begins once the road ban is lifted. Weight restrictions are on Roaming Shores roads and the roads leading to our dewatering site. Coves and waterways are dredged to remove silt and allow boat access.

November & December

Cleanup operations to our EPA approved dewatering site are performed so that we have room to dump next year’s mud. The material has had the summer to dry and is easier to move.

January – March

Dredging equipment is brought in for maintenance when not plowing.