Please use this page as a reference for some of the Association’s most frequently asked questions. Have a question that hasn’t been answered on this page? Please Contact Us.
General RomeRock Association Questions
The RomeRock Association (RRA) is the not-for-profit property owner’s association of the Roaming Rock Shores subdivision (i.e. Association) located in Roaming Shores in Ashtabula County, Ohio. The RRA makes and enforces rules for its residents and property owners. Those who purchase property within the Roaming Rock Shores subdivision automatically become members and are required to pay Dues and Assessments. See Dues and Assessments section for more information.
The RRA has 3 governing documents, the Covenants and Restrictions, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations. The Covenants and Restrictions are the founding documents and rules of the Roaming Rock Shores subdivision established by its original developer. The Bylaws explain the organization, process and procedures of your RomeRock Association. The Rules and Regulations explain your privileges and help offer protection to all members.
The RRA is responsible for the maintenance and operation of its amenities and facilities including the beaches, pools, common areas and the lake; and Association-owned roads (road shoulder berms, plowing, culvert installation, etc.). See Roads for additional information.
The Village of Roaming Shores is the government municipality of Roaming Shores. The Village of Roaming Shores provides full-time law enforcement, zoning and building code enforcement, drinking water, wastewater treatment, and operation and management of Lake Roaming Rock’s dam.
The RomeRock Association used to be the sole governing entity up until 1979 when the Village of Roaming Shores was founded. By being able to obtain government grants, the Village of Roaming Shores is better equipped to operate a police department, wastewater plant, and enforce building/zoning codes. By owning the recreational facilities and being able to control access to the lake, the RomeRock Association can keep these facilities private whereas government-owned properties must be public.
When you purchase property in the Association (with or without a house) you automatically became a member of the RRA. Upon payment of all fees and the filing of required membership documents, you are then able to enjoy all RRA facilities.
Bylaws Article I, Section 1B
Yes, however, if you title your property deed to a corporation or LLC, you must complete both Corporate Membership paperwork and a regular Membership Application. Corporate Memberships may only assign one person/married couple as a RomeRock Association member. Note: If you own multiple properties under both a corporation or LLC and under a person, the two are considered separate entities and are charged as such.
Bylaws Article I, Section 1E
If you purchase a property within the Roaming Rock Shores subdivision, yes.
Bylaws Article I, Section 1A
Yes, however, each person (with the exception of married couples) are subject to additional fees. See the Joint Owners section for more information.
Bylaws Article II, Section 2
The Covenants and Restrictions of the RRA do not permit overnight camping. This includes camper trailers.
Covenants & Restrictions #2
No animals or fowl are permitted to be kept or maintained on any lot in Roaming Shores. Customary household pets are permitted.
Covenants & Restrictions #5