LMC Updates

2024 – LMC Year in Review

By D.Ernes – Lake Management Committee

As we come to the end of 2024, we look back on the recreational season that we just completed. This past year we continued with the programs that have shown success and evaluated new ideas to help as we move forwards with our short and long-term lake management plans. This document gives a brief overview of the past year.

We have continued with the program involving application of algaecides during the season to control the growth of Harmful Algal Blooms. As part of this program, we also evaluated ultrasonic buoys as a non-chemical alternative. We employed a handheld sensor to measure water quality parameters including algal densities throughout the season. The algaecide treatments (one and a half total) continued to keep the algal blooms under control during most of the year. The impact of the major storm in early August did make the last treatment somewhat less effective, requiring spot treatments in a few areas. But as seen in the past few years, we continue to keep the algal toxin levels well below the EPA guidelines.

The ultrasonic buoys were met with limited success. We will continue the evaluation next year as well. The sensor data yielded a number of positive results. The data clearly showed the rise in algal densities as the summer progressed, giving us additional data to make treatment decisions.

As far as the beaches are concerned, while the algal toxins remain under control, we saw more exceedences for the bacteria levels than in past years. There is no direct reason to explain this and we will look into additional testing should this trend continue into 2025.

The data collected by our consultants show similar results to past years. Surprisingly, the watershed phosphorus levels were stable throughout the season. The in-lake data was fairly consistent until we experienced the storms in August.

We will be starting the planning for 2025 soon. In the meantime, Happy Holidays.

Lake Management Update – After Treatment Comments

By D.Ernes – Lake Management Committee

This past Thursday, we completed the treatment of about half of the lake, from the south to around Beach 1. This treatment was needed as a result of an increase in the severity and intensity of blue-green algae in the southern end of the lake. The treatment area was adjusted from the original announcement due to the concern of further spread of the affected area due to around an inch of rain over a 48-hour period. The lake is a dynamic environment that can change by the hour, day or week and we need to respond accordingly.

There were reports of boat activity during the 48 hours following the treatment. This product is imbedded in a binder that allows it to float on the surface of the water for a time before it sinks, where it become bound in the lake sediment. The product is applied by trained individuals so that it can be spread by the currents in the lake, as well as the wind. Boat traffic during this period would push the product in an unpredictable manner. This could negatively impact the success of the treatment. In the future, please follow the restrictions so that we have the best chance for success.

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