Please use this page as a reference for some of the Association’s most frequently asked questions. Have a question that hasn’t been answered on this page? Please Contact Us.
Joint Owner Questions
Any lot that is jointly owned by more than one person. Spouses shall be considered one member. Each joint owner will be charged a New Member Impact Fee. All joint owners will be charged Dues ($60). Only one assessment shall be charged for the first two joint owners and the full amount of the assessment shall be charged to each additional joint owner in excess of two.
1st Joint Owner – $60 (Dues) + All Assessments
2nd Joint Owner – $60 (Dues)
3rd (and any further) Joint Owner – $60 (Dues) + All Assessments
Bylaws Article II, Section 4
There are no limitations to the number of Joint Owners allowed on a property HOWEVER, note the joint owner charges in the previous question. All joint owners must be paid in full in order to be eligible for Membership privileges. Voting privileges are only granted to one joint owner per year; the eligible member will be rotated each year.
Bylaws Article VI, Section 2
Marriage is the only legal binding for couples recognized in the State of Ohio.
There are no state laws addressing domestic partnerships in the State of Ohio.
You must record a new deed removing an owner. Consult an attorney or Title agency. This does not eliminate any debts they may owe to the Association.
Each joint owner is personally, jointly and severally liable and responsible for any assessments, interest, late charges and costs not paid by the other joint owner or owners of such lot.
Bylaws Article III, Section 4