Please use this page as a reference for some of the Association’s most frequently asked questions. Have a question that hasn’t been answered on this page? Please Contact Us.
Culvert Questions
For Association-owned roads, only the RomeRock Association is authorized to approve installation of culverts for driveways and/or roadsides on Association-owned roads. You must complete an application with the Association. Driveway culverts must be a minimum 30ft. The cost is the responsibility of the property owner. See Culverts for details.
This is the same procedure as driveway culverts. The RRA’s maintenance department will provide an estimate based on the length of pipe needed, clean-outs and tees.
You will need to contact the appropriate road department (County or Village). All lots on Rome Rock Creek Rd are under the jurisdiction of the Ashtabula County Highway Department (440) 576-2816.