Please use this page as a reference for some of the Association’s most frequently asked questions. Have a question that hasn’t been answered on this page? Please Contact Us.
Consolidation Questions
Consolidation is the legal combining of more than 1 lot that are contiguous (sharing a property line, touching). The RRA has an application with instructions. A new deed will need to be created and recorded.
Reasonings vary. Some consolidate in order to build across property lines, to build an accessory use building on a vacant lot, keep greenspace between neighboring properties, or to save on Assessments and water bills.
There is a limit of four for off-lake lots and three for on-lake lots.
When you unconsolidate your lots, all savings in Assessments from the time of consolidation must be repaid along with an administrative fee. A new deed will need to be created and recorded. You cannot unconsolidate if there is a structure over your property lines. All structures would need to be removed.
This is usually done to be able to sell the extra lot/s separately.
No, this was established in the Covenants and Restrictions #1 (founding documents).