Please use this page as a reference for some of the Association’s most frequently asked questions. Have a question that hasn’t been answered on this page? Please Contact Us.
Boating/Lake Questions
The lake is private access. The boat ramp near the marina is gated and can only be opened by Members-in-good-standing who have purchased watercraft decals for the calendar year. The lakebed of Lake Roaming Rock is owned by the RomeRock Association. The water is owned by the State.
Covenants & Restrictions #7
Watercraft on Lake Roaming Rock can only be owned solely by Property Owner/Member-In-Good-Standing. No exceptions.
There is a 21ft limit on powerboats and 28ft for pontoons. Sailboats over 21 feet and hand powered racing shells over 35’ will be considered by the RomeRock Board of Directors on an individual basis.
Rules and Regulations Watercraft Section 3 Specifications
You may do so at our office or online. When coming to the office, please bring your State Registration and Title. See Boating Information for more information.
All acceptable gas-powered watercraft that will be used on Lake Roaming Rock must be registered with the Association.
Yes, please bring your State’s registration and Title (if applicable) when registering with the Association. All Ohio laws and RRA rules are to be followed.
You may purchase a key fob to open the gate. You must be a Member-in-Good-Standing. You are not permitted to launch any unauthorized watercraft. Your marina may launch your watercraft for you, ensure your current registration from the State and RRA are affixed prior to launching.
Only Property Owners/Members-in-Good-Standing can register their watercraft for use on the lake.
No. If testing a watercraft, you must fill out a form with the Association. Bring the watercraft’s registration. Only a designated 2-hour block for testing will be permitted.
Yes, however you as the owner are responsible for any rule infractions incurred by your guests. Educate everyone you allow to use your watercraft of Ohio Boating laws and the RRA rules. Everyone born after Jan. 1, 1982 is required to successfully complete either a safe boater course approved by the national association of state boating law administrators or a proctored or non-proctored proficiency examination that tests knowledge of information included in the curriculum of such a course, and has received a certificate as evidence of successful completion of the course or examination.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources enforces the Ohio Revised code; the Association’s Lake Patrol enforces both State and RRA rules.