Events in June 2019

  • Roaming Shores Family Water Safety Event

    Category: RRA Roaming Shores Family Water Safety Event

    June 1, 2019

    Plan to Attend the first ever… Roaming Shores Family Water Safety Event!!

    Be at the Clubhouse Pavilion, Beach 1 and get some tips on how to enjoy fun on and in the water while understanding how and why to stay safe.  Our motto… Enjoy the Lake!! Stay Safe!

    Our newest club, the Roaming Shores Community Preparedness Club, is sponsoring this event.  It is open to all ages.  We are never too old or too young to be reminded of how to respect both the joys, and the dangers of playing (recreating) on or near the water.

    Come hear a presentation by the ODNR.  Our own Lake Safety Team will be there as well as our Pool Safety Advisor.  Some tips on how to keep your four legged family safe will also be provided!  Tell your friends and neighbors or better yet bring them along with you.  Learn, be prepared, meet some fellow boaters and water lovers!!! 

    There will even be some entertainment for small children.  Yep... some snacks as well!!

    No reservations are required and this event will take place rain or shine!!  Let’s hope it is the shine part, but just in case we will be under cover so the rain will not stop us!

    Hope to see many of my fellow friends and neighbors at this event.  You have nothing to lose since there is no admission charge, but you have everything to gain if it helps you keep yourself and your family a bit safer while you enjoy our beautiful lake and pools this summer!!!

    Beach 1
    13 Roaming Rock Blvd
    Roaming Shores, OH 44085
  • STARS Club Meeting

    Category: S.T.A.R.S. Club STARS Club Meeting

    June 12, 2019

    The STARS Club will hold a meeting at the Clubhouse

  • STARS Winery Bus Tour

    Category: S.T.A.R.S. Club STARS Winery Bus Tour

    June 15, 2019

    Join the STARS Club on Saturday, November 9th from 5:00pm – 9:30pm as they host their first Winery Bus Tour of 2019!

    Reservations are essential! If you would like to join us, please RSVP ASAP. The first 28 to RSVP will be guaranteed a seat on the bus. Tickets are $30/each. You must be over 21 years of age. To reserve your spot or if you have any questions, contact Barb at 440-645-7365 or stop by the RRA Office.

    We will meet at the Clubhouse parking lot at 4:45pm. The buses will leave at 5pm!

    Hope you can join us!

    13 Roaming Rock Blvd
    Roaming Shores, OH 44085
  • Senior Care 101

    Category: RRA Senior Care 101

    June 24, 2019

    Worried about yourself, family, or friend? The Senior Connections committee has answers and suggestions for you.

    • In home care suggestions and solutions
    • How to find the right care setting
    • Ways to pay for care
    • When to ask for help

    This presentation will be held at the Clubhouse. Doors open at 5:30 pm, presentation at 6pm. Dinner will be served! RSVP appreciated, but not required.

    Please call Christina White at (440) 969.4663

    Bring with you ideas and suggestions for future education on senior issues.

    13 Roaming Rock Blvd
    Roaming Shores, OH 44085