By: Bruce C. Bower
Lake Safety Committee

Your Safety Committee is planning a safe boating course in March, the final date has not yet been nailed down, but it will be held at the Clubhouse. A new wrinkle is that there will be a $10.00 dollar fee for each enrollee. The applicant must be a Shores owner or part of the family. An application will be in the paper and online for the next several months, it must be filled out and sent in with an accompanying check. There will be no walk-ins or last minute sign-ups. I cannot plan for written material, space, teachers and lunches when 10% or more of the people who sign up and commit don’t show up. I am always disappointed when my rude neighbors don’t think what the consequences are when an inconvenience is passed to someone other than themselves.

Look to the Shores News and online for further details!

Stay Warm,
Bower out

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