Boating Safety Tip!

There is a high volume of boat traffic in our lake this summer. Here is a good safety tip for tubers and water skiers:

After falling down, a skier should hold their ski up high until they are retrieved by the boat. This is more or less common sense, but what should a tuber do when they have no ski? The best way for tubers to be seen in the water after they fall off the tube is to hold their arms high above their head in an arc until the boat is able to pick them up. This allows for better visibility of the tuber or skier for all other drivers on the lake.

Please also remember that a red or orange flag must be displayed by the observer when someone being towed is down. The flag must be at least 12 inches square and attached to at least a 24 inch pole, mast or stick. The flag should be displayed as long as the skier/tuber is in the water as a warning to other boaters.

Tuber Down

Tuber Down

Skier Down

Skier Down

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