Attention Boaters and Residents:

Update: The no wake lights are now OFF

Rough estimates of rainfall over the weekend have been reported as high as 4 inches!
This weekend is expected to be a very wet one. Forecasters say a significant amount of rain will be headed our way. As much as 1 to 2 inches.

The time to prepare is now. Inspect your docked boats. Should the lake waters rise and there is not enough slack in your line, the line can snap and your boat can float away. However, if there is too much slack, your boat can end up on top of your dock. If you have canoes, kayaks, paddleboats, etc. on your dock, you may want to consider moving them further away from the shore.

If you are not a full time resident, consider calling your neighbors to check on your boats over the weekend.

In the event that the lake waters become too high, the High Water No Wake lights by the Clubhouse and the Beach 2 area will be activated. If you see the lights flashing, those are the indicators that the lake is NO WAKE!

Creating a wake while the lake water is high risks damage to docks and boats. Be cautious!

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