56th Annual Meeting Overview
The RomeRock Association held their Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 29, 2023 at the clubhouse with the following directors present, Scott Soble, Rory Marshall, Nadine Pope, Bob McClintock, Louise Lisac, Rick Brothers and Jeff Grosse.
President, Scott Soble called the meeting to order at 1p.m. and introduced the Board of Directors. Cheryl Fain gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Scott welcomed everyone and Nadine Pope read the Certification of Service of Notice of the Annual Meeting. Nadine followed with the Membership Report. There were 63 New Members in 2022, which included new homes, lot owners and sales of existing homes and lots to new owners. We have a total of 1,317 total Membership Units.
Bob McClintock reviewed the 2022 Treasurer’s Report and reviewed comparisons to the previous three years. It was noted that Annual Operating and Capital Expense took a significant jump from the previous year. This was due to additional employees and large projects and purchases in 2022.
Rick Brothers explained that because only two board members, Scott Soble and Louise Lisac filed for the two available seats on the Board of Directors, no election was necessary.
Scott Soble gave us the 2022 Association Overview. Completed projects were: A new pool heater was installed at pool #2. Bathrooms were refreshed at both beaches. New signs were purchased for the clubhouse, parks and lots being sold by the association. The tennis/pickleball court was resurfaced. The marina gate was replaced. Repairs were made to the barges used for dredging. A guardrail was installed on Rome Terrace. A new plow truck, a new, slightly used, dump truck for dredging and a used pickup truck for hauling equipment were purchased. A new dredging takeout point was added. AEDs were installed at the clubhouse and beach 2 and 3.9 miles of roads were chip sealed.
Jeff Grosse reported on some of the 2023 improvements. The dock at the Marina Boat Launch has been replaced. There is a new pump house at pool 1. Our barges are being sandblasted and painted. Our maintenance crew built a new push boat to aid with dredging. New concrete has been installed around the clubhouse. Swings have been purchased for both playgrounds. Floating docks are being installed at beach 2. The seawall at the island will be repaired. There are new signs at both pools and at the concession stand at beach 1. The clubhouse roof has been repaired and a new, more efficient computer system has been purchased for our office.
Jen Addair reported on the new HOA/Accounting software. It will greatly improve our efficiency and streamline many tasks that are now done individually. We are hoping to have most features up and running by fall of this year.
Rick Brothers reviewed information from several of our area clubs. The Polar Bear Club raises funds for our local schools at the Polar Bear Plunge and Rick reviewed their upcoming events. Contact President Mindy Fier at 330-507-4917 for detailed information. Both Men’s and Women’s golf leagues meet at Hemlock Springs Golf Course on Thursdays. Shores HoldEm meets at the clubhouse two Fridays a month. The PickleBall Club began their season on April 28th. Contact President Marie Kaufman at shorespickleball@gmail.com for more information. For information about the Roaming Shores Community Preparedness Club, contact President Cheryl Fain at RSCPClub@gmail.com. STARS Club, who raise funds for and sponsor our annual 4th of July fireworks can be reached by contacting President, Barb Buckley at 440-645-7365. Other clubs in the Shores are Friends and Neighbors, Marge Morris President, Fishing Club, Dave Emick, President and the Quilting Club, Jeanette Gage, President. The Village Volunteers also meet to help beautify Roaming Shores
Louise gave an overview of our Standing Committees. Rory spoke to us about the importance of Lake Safety. Know the rules and make sure you and your guests follow them. Be sure to take a Boater Safety Course and don’t let anyone use your watercraft if they haven’t been properly instructed. Please remember that you, as a property owner, are responsible for the actions of your guests. Rory also let us know that two members of our Roaming Shores Police Department recently received ODNR training to be certified to patrol our lake. So hopefully they will be looking out for our safety in the near future, along with the efforts of our own Lake Patrol. Please remember that these two caring groups of individuals only want to make sure everyone on our lake stays safe. They are not there to ruin anyone’s fun on the lake, just to be sure it’s an enjoyable experience for everyone.
Dave Ernes gave us an overview of what Lake Management had accomplished in 2022 and what they hope to accomplish in 2023. In 2022 a single algaecide treatment improved the clarity of our lake. Professionals were on the water to spot any problem areas. Tributaries were tested to determine nutrient inflow. Use of lasers continued to reduce the bacteria levels by deterring the geese. A fish study was completed letting us know that the fish in our lake are healthy.
In 2023 we will continue with algaecide treatments on the whole lake and dockside invasive weed control. We will also continue with the goose deterrence program and weekly testing at the beaches. We will continue increased surveillance of the lake by AquaDoc. Our weekly testing results over the past two years are greatly improved. Please be sure to check our website for all of the very informative information Dave posts there concerning the health of our lake.
Dave also stressed that members can also help by doing their part. Avoid fertilizers with phosphorous, keep grass clippings, leaves etc. out of the lake, create buffer zones and ask if you have a question by emailing Lake Management at romerocklmc@gmail.com.
Bob McClintock and Maintenance Manager Randy Ruebel gave a dredging update. Our maintenance team met with directors last fall to review what they thought were some of the issues slowing down our dredging. Many great ideas resulted from this meeting because those doing the actual dredging process know where the problems are. Randy is developing a three year dredging plan. A new takeout point has been added, as well as a new used dump truck has been purchased. Our maintenance department also built a second push boat over the winter. All of these things should greatly improve the efficiency of our dredging program.
Louise reminded us that we all have a vested interest in our lake and it is every members responsibility to help to take care of it. The Lake is the reason that we are here. Let’s all make sure it thrives.
Nadine reminded everyone of the Celebration of Life for Pat Sowry that was held Saturday evening. It was a beautiful, although sad event. So many people spoke so highly of Pat. She wasn’t just our employee. She was our friend and our neighbor. She will be greatly missed. A permanent memorial will be decided upon in the near future, to be located by the clubhouse.
Scott Soble thanked everyone for attending. The meeting concluded at 2:30 p.m.
Thank you to everyone who attended.
Nadine Pope, Secretary