Lake Management Update from a non scientific perspective!  From one neighbor to another!!!

By: Louise Lisac

I have lived on the lake since late 2011.  That’s almost 12 years of watching and learning how our lake responds to seasons, to weather; from winter to summer and from sunshine to rainstorms.  The beauty of the lake and the ugliness of the lake have been seen from my vantage point.  I had never spent a large part of my life near the water until I moved to the Shores.  I would spend visits to the beach and to the lake, but I never truly focused day in and day out on the “life of a lake”.  I knew our beautiful lake needed help.  At first, I bought into the idea that dredging the entire lake would solve all our problems. Get rid of the built-up sediments and the weeds and the algae would go away.  Who cares if it costs an enormous amount of money, Wasn’t it worth it to protect the number one asset of our lake community?  It sure made sense to me.

Unfortunately, nothing is ever simple.  Hard problems very rarely have a one-dimensional solution. Oh, if only that were true!  Lake life would be much more enjoyable.  I got involved because I knew our lake was worth saving.  Besides, so was the investment I made in property. I did this with a sense of fight and also with an open mind. Regardless of our opinions we are a community. A community brings a variety of talents and personalities to the table. Debate can be challenging but it can also lead to great dialogue and more importantly understanding of a bigger issue and a more focused short term and long-term solution to a very real problem.

I have been witness to the value of resident involvement.  Individuals willing to bring their talents to the table and work on our Lake Management Committee and individuals willing to create a grass roots campaign and create the Environmental Advocacy Club joined forces and came together to partner with our Association Board of Directors and our Association Maintenance Manager to develop a strategy that is science based, multi-dimensional and created on fact not emotion.

A professional lake advisor was hired. If you’re sick, I hope you don’t just search the internet and diagnose yourself. If you do, it may not work out so well.  You probably should go to a medical professional who has experience and training about how the human body works, what symptoms may present themselves for certain diseases and more importantly how to treat those diseases and not just cover up the symptoms.  I hope you’re smart enough to make those tough lifestyle changes that may be necessary to return you to health.  Our lake is in need of attention.  A professional lake advisor has the knowledge and experience to determine what treatments can help both the symptoms and the long-term cure.  There are lifestyle changes we will all need to make as well.

Under direction from our lake experts and consultants, this upcoming recreational season we will continue with weed control as well as the Vodaguard treatment.  These treatments are not “magic bullets” but short-term treatments to address symptoms.  Please watch the eblasts for updates and scheduling of these activities.

We will continue with our water testing procedures and alert you, if and when levels exceed our tolerance and safety levels.  Eblasts will notify you of this as well.  Please educate yourself on our warning process.  You can also register to get text updates of these warnings direct to your cell phone.  Simply on any eblast, click the link that says “Update Preferences” and add in your cell phone number. That’s as easy as it can get!!!

We will continue with our geese management activities.  While animals are important in our lives, we need to ensure their excrement does not negatively affect our water.  You can help by cleaning up after your pets and reduce the risk of runoff coming into our lake.

We have a fish study planned for later this year.  Jones Fish has been hired to do this study and informed us that fall is the best time to complete this type of exercise.  The results of the study will be shared once it is complete.

Dredging is scheduled throughout the summer.  Northern coves will be done during June, July and August.  This is to minimize sediment disruption in the main lake. The South End of the lake will be dredged after Labor Day.

We enjoy many recreational activities on our lake.  Boating, kayaking, fishing, swimming, and even meditation are all important.  Our lake management programs are focused to ensure these activities can continue and to ensure our property values are not negatively affected.  You are part of lake management as well.  Both part time and full-time residents of the Lake Roaming Rock Community share responsibility to be good stewards of our lake and our lake environment.  What’s that you say?????  Yes, you own the health of our lake.  Do your part.  Stay educated.  Get involved.  Learn what you can do to help filter runoff.  Understand how using the wrong fertilizer can affect algae blooms.  Pay your dues.  Don’t dump leaves and other debris in the lake.  Never ever use chemicals for any reason.  Watch gas overspill if you fuel your boat at the water’s edge.  Respect mother nature. Help educate your neighbor of these initiatives.  Be a lake disciple!

We are blessed to live in such a beautiful environment.  Never take for granted what we have here in the Shores.  Protect it and if you get the opportunity, thank your neighbors who contribute their time and talents to enhance the health and welfare of our lake. These are unpaid positions and are done only because they love Lake Roaming Rock.   The next time you feel you need to complain, why not consider getting involved?  Think about becoming part of the solution.  Enjoy the summer season and all that it has to offer.  More importantly understand that a beautiful lake is no accident and requires unique and multifaceted care by all who use and recreate.

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