Maybe the Moon Wasn’t Full this Month

Boating Safety Committee
By: Bruce C. Bower

Or maybe our friends and neighbors are following the rules and laws of the lake, or I just didn’t observe long enough. Hope springs eternal! Now nothing in this world is perfect so let me tell you about a few of the antics that I did see. I saw a two person jet-ski pulling a tube, this is already a bad start. You must have enough “seats” to carry ALL persons involved in the activity. So, a driver, an observer and ONE person in the tube is legal in the State of Ohio on a three person ski. No such luck, there were two people on the tube. This would be four people involved on a two person ski! Appears to be some bad math, total ignorance of the law, bad judgement or they just don’t care. I think they were youngsters so what the heck are the parents thinking? What would happen if the tube blows? Who is going to save who?

On 6/20/18 at 21:15 I saw a bass boat, with some sort of white spotlight flying down the lake, heading north. This was really disappointing because I thought the bass boat pilots were educated in ALL the rules and laws and should darn well know that when it’s dark, it’s probably after sunset. So besides breaking the law, this jock had a nice bright white light to blind anyone coming the other way. A double dose of dumb!

Another thing that was noted by a neighbor was that a paddle board Captain was cruising after dark without any sort of light on the board. The law states that you must have a PFD, either being worn or strapped to the board and a “lighted torch”, if used after sunset. This means some sort of flashlight or battery lantern, strange language, but you get the idea.

Just a reminder about pulling beach floats behind a paddle powered craft, it would be the safest move to stay in the coves and DO NOT do this at night. The State still has not made an official rule for this activity, but I’m quite sure they will.

My dear neighbors, think the worst and prepare for it, have fun, but nobody wants to be involved with the pain and suffering of an accident. The above are my observations and opinions and not those of the Board. As always, call me if you have comments or criticisms. 440.563.4108 or 216.906.2301
Bower out.

Think Safety!

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